There are dots that shall intermesh on the gear of the crankshaft and the gear of the chaindrive/countebalancer. At TCD, that is.
If you search the forum, somewhere you will find a nice drawing of this. But really, its simple, just look at them dots when you have the clutch cover off anyway., before you take the old chain off. Be aware that yout TDC marks might be a little out,
Here's an extract of a post i did not so long ago:
Installed the new cam chain & new style tensioner, removed the Alu head and cut 1/3 off the spring. The chain is now tight and didn't even move a click when putting the spring in.
Got the timing right, and also checked TDC using "dead stop method" Mine was 8 deg out. Using the new TDC there was NO doubt in how to time the gears and make the cam lobes equal height when installing the chain, whereas before tho whole thing seemed to be 1/2 a tooth out. I left the ignition timing as is, and havn't strobed it. So knowing the real TDC doesn't really make a difference to me, other than timing the cam & gears was easier when spot on, as per book !
Hope this helps, if not there is shitloads of info on this topic on here anyway.
Anders, DK