I changed only the stator,the bike started and ran fine(after a carb clean)I will change the flywheel when I receive the correct puller.Does anyone rebuild/rewind the old stators,Info on the site suggests that I will be replacing this stator again.If no one rewinds this stator does anyone need a used flywheel? (fe400ee) .I checked my failed stator and I believe that moisture has traveled down the stator wire past the cover seal and into the stator.This over time has corroded the internal connections causing this failure.A quarter hour looking with a magnifying glass shows that the sharp angle that the wires exiting the stator have to make, has left a small void between the wires and the epoxy,probably helped by the heating /cooling of the engine.I wonder if the problem could be cured by having a cover that allows the stator wires a more gradual bend as they exit the stator assy...just a theory.....nsman