tomato, tomaato...
Hi Kraig,
Semantics, I know, but the emails do not come from this server. virii bots take a user's address book, and spoof the emails from other email addresses in it's book.
I check the email logs every night, and checked again this morning. Since midnight, my server has sent out 312 emails, none with attachments and none from a member, all notifications of reply or account activation/deletion/suspension.
The way this site is set up, members can only use the memberlist to contact via email. They can not get your actual email address. So if the email address doesn't say at the top anything about abuse and contacting the site administrator, it was not sent from the site, but through another means.
Also, members can not attach files through the site email function.
If the email headers didn't originate from, then this server did not send it.
On a related note, I receive on average 25 emails a day from a or .net address with a virus that did not originate from this site.
It's just another thing we have to bother with to use the web.