an intriguing post, which is exactly the sort I like!
If this were my bike I'd be looking to see if the sparks were always present during the misfire. Never mind the ignition timing for the moment, is there always a spark, or does it start to disappear? Use your strobe light. If it starts to flash irregularly when you try to rev your engine, that will confirm your problem is ignition. If it continues to flash without any missing sparks, then consider the igition timing more closely. What happens? Does it advance and retard erratically? If it does you need to look deeper at the ignition. If it doesn't, the probelm is more likely to be fuelling related. If the carb has already been stripped, cleaned, checked and pronounced to be OK, let's stick with the assumption the problem is ignition...
I see your note on your CDI and stator working well on another bike. This is excellent and of course eliminates these components from the problem, but you say nothing about your flywheel. If there's any possibility of swaping your flywheel to your friend's bike, do it. If not, consider the strength of the individual magnets; are they all present and correct and all of similar strength?
If that gets you nowhere, could you give us more background to the problem? When did it occur? Under what circumstances? Has the bike ever run correctly? What is the general condition of the wiring and connectors on the bike? Any extra detail you can give may help with the diagnosis, and ultimately, the cure.
Sorry for all the questions, but the detail always matters with problems like these!
Cheers... P