You might try changing the brake fluid to another "weight".
Anyone correct me if I am wrong, but this is my understanding:
DOT3- More compressible, more spongy feel
DOT4- A bit less comprssible than 3, less spongy feel
DOT5- Pure Silicon, least compressible, least spongy, easier to lock up
You might want to check. Also my understanding that DOT3 and DOT 4 are mixable, whilst the DOT5 can ONLY be used by itself.
Conservation of mass dictates that fluids are not compressible, which would make this appear to be odd.
Racing uses DOT5 for (essentially) less feel, they would want to hit full brake action ASAP, where-as DOT3 (used in my Trooper and 90% of all other production road vehicles) yields more feel in the pedal (also preferred feeling of housewives across america!)
Other than that, you need to change geometry somewhere, MC diameter, brake lever arm, etc...