I was able to get a 2" ROX riser setup to work with the stock cables on my 2011 570. I know that some will say that is too high and that you should try lowering the pegs and raising the bars only slightly but for me it works. I can stand up comfortably and that's how I like to ride, I stand as much as I can. I had to flip the throttle body upside down and re-route the clutch cable in front of the triple clamp but it works and that was many miles ago. The only issue now is that it's tough to see the computer so I still need to work out a new way to mount that but all in all it's good for me at 6' 4" I will eventually get pegs and taller seat so my knees are less bent when sitting and it should make the transition from sitting to standing better.
My last bike had solid 1 1/2" risers, up and forward...remember that if you go straight up, you're actually moving the bars back due to the angle of the triple clamp. I like the ROX because you can pivot them until you have the bars just where you want them...they CAN move in a crash but a quick fix and it actually saves your other stuff when it happens (trust me on that one).