Taffy said:
but all you had was two gyroscopic affects with the balancer and then one (bigger) one with the balanced crank. all in all then, a lot of Gyroscopic effect. you'll only notice the difference when there is less of it whizzing round and not which direction it goes in.
amazing nobodys tried what I said yet

FWIW I had the router going the wrong way

so for what I said to be true the crank has to be spinning the opposite way to normal, like Rossis first GP1 yamaha or the old maicos
re your quote above Taffy I disagree aboslutely. it makes a difference which direction the mass is spinning, if you have 2 identical flywheels spinning in opposite directions their gyroscopic effect cancels out because a gyros reaction to an input is in a plane at 90 deg to the input, the direction of the reaction depends on the direction the mass is rotating. rotate 2 of them in opposite ways and the reactions cancel out.
or put more simply: the gyroscopic effects come about because the mass is rotating, if it stops rotating there is no gyroscopic effect, two masses rotating in opposite directions cancel out each others gyroscopic forces.
having the counterbalancer where it is on the old engine reduces the gyroscopic effect because its mass rotates in the opposite direction to the crank. having the counterbalancer in there spinning has the same effect as reducing the mass moment of intertia of the crank by the mass moment of intertia of the counterbalancer.
with the bearings and the air Taffy try spinning the same direction as the wheels then the opposite and see how the reaction changes. or put 2 bearings on a shaft side by side one spins one way and the other opposite, now try and move it.. its as easy as if they were no spinning at all.
Im not saying that the gyros don't resist movement im saying the reaction tourque of a gyro being at 90 deg to the input tourque can be useful (if the crank spins the right way

check this clip
see how the gyro is happy till the guy turns it then it jumps violently outward
change the direction of rotation of the gyro mass by first winding the string the other way but then do the same thing to it and it jumps inward
there is a pic somewhere on the net and has been posted on this site before of an engine with 1 massive piston, 2 cranks geared together rotating opposite directions and 2 conrods, I'll see if I can find it.