Sorry for my bad english , but feel free to ask if there is something you don't understand. Bought an almost brand new 2008 Fe 650. It had 8h on It when i bought It and was in mint condition. On the last ride I started to hear a rattling and knocking noise from the clutch side of the engine. I left my buddies and rided slowly back home.Back home in the garage I started dismantle the clutchcase becouse I suspected that the nut on the primary pinion came loose. The nut was tight but when I pulled on the pinion , It moves about 2mm in and out. There Is no play up and down. After a closer look in the drained oil I found little fragments of what seems to be coating of a bearing. The prime suspect at this time is one of the main bearings. Does anyone have any experience of something like this? The bike is a 2008 Fe650 that has 14h of drive time on It :cuss: