Fe 570 no spark


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May 22, 2012
up north
Hey my 570 suddenly died when i rode it on the street...

Now the spark is gone...

Have measured all the fuses..OK....fuse 2 has 12v all the time..1,3,4 has power when i crank it...

And the ECU gets power as well..

Have changed parts:

Ignition coil
spark plug

Had the wire loom removed and fixed the junction with the red/white wires....one wire was broken.... so now the power is back..but still no spark...

FI error light blinks 2 times.....Manual says pulser/pickup coil fault.

When i crank the engine and measure the wire that goes to the ignition coil its 0,32V.

Measured pulser coil and it was 95 ohms...(should be around 100 i think)
So seems OK right? Still a change it could be the pulser??

More broken wires in the loom??

Any ideas?? :eek:
Measure between pin 3(white yellow) and pin 9 (white/blue) of the ecu plug you should have 80-120 ohm. Unplug the crank pulse generator measure again and you should have 0 ohm. Measure both wires to ground and battery + ( disconnect battery first!) both should read 0 ohm.

If none of that is out of order check the woodruff key on your flywheel.
Measured between pin 3 and pin 9: 96 ohm ..check

Unplugged the pulse generator and measured again: 0 ohm ..check

Measured pin 9 to:
+ and got 0 ohm
ground and got 104 ohm

Measured pin 3 to:
+ and got 0 ohm
ground and got 7,5 ohm

Soooo it should be 0?? :eek: whats causing this?
oh had the pulse generator plugged in then i measured the pins to - and +

disconnected it and it was 0 ohm to ground and +

Checked the woodruff key on the flywheel and it looked fine.....

Checked the back of the pulser coil...a little "hole" in the wire...could oil enter and cause it to malfunction?

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Thats it right there, if you have continuity to ground through either of the pulse coil wires that will be the cause of the problem, if disconnecting your pulse generator gives infinite resistance then you know its your pulse gen that has a short to ground.
Problem solved! The spark is back! :D

Yes the pulser coil had a short to ground....

There were some metal shavings stuck around the red wire (pink line)

Thanks for the help!!!:)

Did you have to repair the part or replace? I have an intermittent cutting out problem I'll have to start troubleshooting soon.
Part seems to be OK...just gonna put some superglue or something in the "hole" and see if it works....if same happens again ill just order a new one..atleast now i know where to look...
Well I finally started digging into this electrical issue I've been having ( intermittent ignition cutting out for 1-3 seconds, occurring from 0-3 times per hour long ride. Once it took a few minutes to restart, every other time it has fired before even coming to a stop. )

I have been dreading this, thinking how hard it might be to trace down this issue. Well I started by thinking I'd clean up the battery terminals. When I was removing the starter relay I found a loose connection! I'm really hoping this is what has been causing the issue. Too late to get out for a ride now.

Power relay up near the steering head might be coming unlatched ?

Do you mean as a result of that loose connection or as something else to check?

No issues on an hour long ride tonight! I want to have the confidence I think these bikes deserve.
Could be a number of things that make the power relay drop out. The loose wire you indicated in your photo is the feed from the + terminal on the battery, which then supplies the rest of the electrical system via the plug between your thumb and Middle finger. Efi systems need at least a constant 10.5v to operate so given some arcing and fouling, that could be a source of voltage drop right there. Can you describe what happens when the bike cuts out ? Do the auxiliary functions(lights, horn etc) still work ?
I'm having a very similar issue on my FX450. It'll cut out, for a few seconds and re-fire (I pull the clutch and coast, and it re-starts without hitting the button)
This scenario typically only happens after the bike is hot, and only when accelerating hard with 3/4-to-full throttle.
Example...raced supermoto a couple weeks ago. Ran two morning practice sessions, and two heat races...no cutting out. After a lunch break, heading out from pre-grid for my first main...the bike cut out briefly. Hmmm...
Then on the start of my main, As I was shifting from 2nd to 3rd, it cut out...with 14 bikes charging hard behind me! YIKES!
I've already replaced the fuel pump and the spark plug cap.
It's so intermittent, and only happens under race conditions...During a track day, when it was acting up, I could short shift and it didn't cut out...once I gave it full throttle, out she went.
Does the pulse coil have two speeds/circuits? I know the ignition coil can create similar issues, but when they fail due to heat, it usually takes a long time for them to cool and work again. Could the regulator/rectifier on these bikes be intermittent? Causing a drop in voltage, thus the EFI cutting out briefly?
I will only have a day or so two fix this thing before my next race, after I return home from a business trip...
Any help would be appreciated.
Well to bring this old thread back from the dead... to make a long story short, after checking out fuses, wiring, pulse generator ( I was getting the 2 FI blinks for it) I finally swapped to the CA Cycleworks fuel pump I've had laying around and it has run great the last 2 short rides!!

I never thought the fuel pump would cut instantly and refire like mine was doing but fingers crossed it's all good now!!

Thanks for the advice I received here!

Time to ride!

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