Thanks Zaga,
the bike came with this type of ignition and I could never really ride it, since it always stops running with backfire when approaching higher revs. So I need to check it, to make sure there is no mistake in the ignition timing. Otherwise I'll brake the bike or my bones :unsure:
Since I'm not an expert on ignition timing, I want to collect as much information as possible, to figure out if there is something that has to be changed or not.
Putting things together that I have so far. Hardware first:
- Flywheel - o.k. (no loose magnets, or whatsoever)
- SEM-stator with common stator defect: Pick-up coil o.k., charging coils broken
- Replica stator: Horse Power Ignition ST5410L (seems to be the same as the Electrex one)
- Used Husaberg CDI from 2003, OEM-Part-No.: 250-293-01 / 855-191-14
- Ignitech-DC-CDI inductive coil
Hardware drawbacks:
- SEM-stator: I cannot check the stability of pick-up signal at high rpm - engine is not running
- ST5410-stator: no ignition timing mark
- Husaberg CDI (855-191-14): Don't know if functions correctly - bought second hand
- Ignitech-CDI: don't know if kids manipulated the ignition advance map
I thought about testing two configurations:
A) SEM-stator + Ignitech-CDI + Ignitech inductive coil
B) ST5410-stator + Husaberg-CDI/coil
A) requires correct ignition advance map values. Therefore here comes the guess-work
Starting with the rev-limiter value, which in my case is 9.700rpm on curve A and 15.000rpm on curve B. I assume the FE 501 Husaberg won't rev higher than 10.000rpm. If so, I would not force her to do so. ZB00P once posted a plot from his dyno-run in the forum (year 2000 FC501), where the plot doesn't reach the 10.000 (see picture 1). Let's take this as a starting point for setting the rev-limit below a little less than 10.000 (picture 2).
I guess here I have to set it to "1 ignition per 2 revolutions (camshaft)". Sounds to me as the onliest 4-stroke mode here - but I don't know anything about since the documentation has no info about it.
Ignition Advance Curve
Basically there is three curve shapes possible (see picture 3), but I assume only options - linear and degressive - make sense in ignition advance. All curves I found so far look actually degressive. So besides all theoretical information about ignition advance, this might be the basic curve shape to go with (even the data from the Husaberg brochure I posted looks degressive). Based on that I assume that ignition timing advances less with increasing rpm.
The Ignitech-CDI interpolates linear between two sampling points. The better I want to meet a certain curve, the more sampling points I should store in the CDI. Therefore I guess ignition advance between the first two sampling points looks like the green dottet line in picture 4.
Base Advance
Currently is set at 10°. When I understand the concept of base advance correctly, It is the the difference between the end of the metal strip passing the the pick-up coil, measured in crankshaft degrees (see picture 5 below). This distance is defined by hardware and can only be changed by rotating the stator. So when putting the engine in TDC and using a new flywheel mark and adjusting the stator to the new mark, the base advance has changed - it's not the "default" anymore.
Since many guys figured that when the engine idles the ignition timing should be about 6° BTDC - I assume this is my new base advance for the CDI. Is that correct?
Sampling Points
I guess that the ignition advance sampling points usually are set manually by try and error procedure on a dyno with online control for fuel-air-ratio. My aim is not getting the last horse power out - it's rather to get it running at all

From what I read/know about ignition advance is that most engines have a maximum advance between 32...36, up to 38...41. When I compare that with the data stored in my Ignitech CDI, which (Curve A) is 39° at 4.000rpm, 41° at 5.000rpm and still increasing up to 47° at 9.000rpm, my feeling is that there is something to much advanced... (see picture 6). Besides that it seems also strange to me, that between 5.000-8.000rpm the advance curve changes its shape from degressive to progessive -- same as between 1.000-3.000rpm.
Anybody out there that could give me some advice on this one?