When my bike gets hot usually after 40 minutes of riding or less if it's very slow hot technical stuff the clutch lever resistance begins to disappear.
Eventually if feels like the hydraulic line has been cut and there is bugger all resistance at the lever so the clutch can't be disengaged
When the bike cools down - all is good ?????? the clutch fluid level dosen't go down
The engine vent is not blocked and i've just changed the fluid to the right (expensive) stuff and made sure it's been bled properly.
Bike has a few other unrelated issues and just trying to decide is this is a straight forward fix or I should cut my losses and sell it
Anyone experienced the same thing ?
When my bike gets hot usually after 40 minutes of riding or less if it's very slow hot technical stuff the clutch lever resistance begins to disappear.
Eventually if feels like the hydraulic line has been cut and there is bugger all resistance at the lever so the clutch can't be disengaged
When the bike cools down - all is good ?????? the clutch fluid level dosen't go down
The engine vent is not blocked and i've just changed the fluid to the right (expensive) stuff and made sure it's been bled properly.
Bike has a few other unrelated issues and just trying to decide is this is a straight forward fix or I should cut my losses and sell it
Anyone experienced the same thing ?