Engine dies after a few seconds


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LeFrog said:
DezDuster said:
English seems not to be working so I'll try some rudimentary LeFrog. Drainer le carburateur!

Nowhere in any of your responses did you acknowlege that you physically drained the carburetor. You MUST pull the plug( square thingy on the bottom of the carb) to get water out. It will not always come out simply by runnning the snot out of the bike down a dirt road. Water may not be the problem, but you should eliminate the possibility.

And answer Joes questions too. At what RPM does the engine die? Idle, Full throttle, when?

See ya in Phoenix. Hopefully.

I already drained the carb, to no avail, and gas from the bottom as well. Also the fuel lines seem to be fine because when I opened the drain plug I had forgotten to shut down the gas pegs and quite a bit fell before I had the time to turn them off.

I guess a new plug and new gas can help. Letting whatever is in the chamber evaporate. I am confident I can get it to work, it's been working fine lately, besides stalling a bit but that's the rider's fault. Mostly.

I have to keep it at 1/3 of a turn to keep it running.

1/3 of a turn suggests to me the pilot mixture jet tube is plugged. Either it or the pilot jet is.

I just watched the last 4 minutes of the Supercross race, I doubt I could ride 100 feet in that mud. Those guys are true supermen!


Well I opened the carb and cleaned it up really well and left it to dry.

No clog or dirt was detected.

I will see once it is fully dry and reinstalled.

I could tow start it again and it seemed to idle a little bit but ended up dying and I am more and more thinking that the issue is the ignition. I did change the spark plug, and put an NGK iridium instead.

Wouldn't a dying SEM ignition refuse to produce any spark at low rpm?
This might not be your case but when I just had my bike I had a similar issue. Only when riding with the throttle open it would keep running. But in lower RPM or closed the engine would quit. I parked it next to my van and started it, the engine ran but shorlty and dies. I couldn't locate it but felt it got too much fuel. At home checked the float heiht, al jets are tight etc. But I found the floater was leak and somewhat filled with gas!! I installed a new floater and that was it, engine runs fine since then. Maybe worth a look a your floater?
Float is fine as well, but thanks for the suggestion. I see how a filled float could create this but not my issue.

It does seem though as if it was getting a bit too much gas... Hmmm may be onto something, here.

Either that or the ignition.

Or.. ?!? :?
Not that you need anything else here, but it sounds like a plugged pilot jet to me. Try starting with the choke and maybe you can keep it running a little with that circuit. It might tell you something. I wouldn't think the stator would be THE ignition problem but maybe the electronics portion (coil, CDI, timing circuits). Ii wish I could see it and hook my Modis up and see the spark pattern. It would answer the question in a jiffy. I also wish I could go on the next RIDE. CC :(
:idea: :idea: Oh, yeah, Frog, did you physically look and see daylight through the pilot jet? :?:
Yes, Corey, light was seen through the said jet, air was also blown from my mouth and it went like "pssssheeeeeee..." :D

Also, I too think the coil is the part of the problem, because Splat tested the stator. His bike was having electrical issues as well.

But the stator on his bike ran 3 sparks then dead. My ignition coil on his bike did not work either.

I hear "Taps" playing in the distance. :?

Everything on this bike is fine, the engine, carburetor, cycle parts are in great shape. The ignition is what I truly fear is definitely going out of commission and I will have to start saving towards a new one.

To be sure the ignition is the culprit, I guess I'd have to ask someone with an 00-03 to come and switch stator and coil for a test.
DaleEO said:
A bit off topic,

Joe, where did you see the race?

Hi Dale,

Channel 2 CBS at 9:00 AM Sunday. The race was on Saturday. CBS will be airing the Supercross races each week. The 250 class on Sunday and the Lights some day during the rest of the week. Just look at your guide. The speed channel also has some of the races..

It was incredible, I have never seen so much mud. They were considering cancelling the race(San Francisco) but put in on anyway. This is the first time I have seen such a HUGE difference in the PRO leaders and the rest of the PRO pack.

LeFrog said:
Yes, Corey, light was seen through the said jet, air was also blown from my mouth and it went like "pssssheeeeeee..." :D

Also, I too think the coil is the part of the problem, because Splat tested the stator. His bike was having electrical issues as well.

But the stator on his bike ran 3 sparks then dead. My ignition coil on his bike did not work either.

I hear "Taps" playing in the distance. :?

Everything on this bike is fine, the engine, carburetor, cycle parts are in great shape. The ignition is what I truly fear is definitely going out of commission and I will have to start saving towards a new one.

To be sure the ignition is the culprit, I guess I'd have to ask someone with an 00-03 to come and switch stator and coil for a test.


Once you had the pilot jet out, did you take a very small screw driver and remove the mixture jet tube thats in the same hole as the pilot jet. The hole in it is so fine you cannot put any needle through it except one for very fine silk work. You don't blow through it, you try to squirt brake cleaner through it. If it is clogged you might clear it using compressed air and or carburetor cleaner (over night soak).

By the way, I have had 3 SEMs stators fail on my 2000 Berg, there wasn't any indication of an eminent failure. The just refused to fire from cold after cooling down from the days ride. They were dead as a door nail!. The R-B circuit was open circuit, period.



Sorry about my previous rant, it was uncalled for and not warranted.

I am looking forward to this ride in the upcoming days and your bike problems are weighing heavy on my mind. If you are up to it, maybe I can come over tuesday morning and we can try and figure this mess out, that is if you don't get it sorted by then. To be very honest with you I am apprehensive about pulling anything off my bike the day before the Phx ride.... I can see it now in a awful nightmarish bad dream; frying my coil or stator and both of us missing the ride :cry: !!! Makes my stomach turn :puke: . Hang in there, we'll sort this bugger out.

I am not a mechanic either Nick, but if your problem is consistent, i.e will fire easily (or should i say, no different than normal) but then dies, I would focus on fuel delivery issues, you seem to be focused on the ignition, expecting it to be the problem, don't get so hung up that you dismiss the obvious. (even if you think you covered it. kind of like assuming that the jumpers are correct on that mainboard instead of checking them)

people like us are called pessimists!

Your issue does not sound to me at all like a ignition problem, and most of the finest gurus on this site are telling you "fuel issue, fuel issue, fuel issue" take a hint!

of the three stators I have had go out, one just stopped, the other two would fire occasionally when the wind blew just right. when the bike did start it ran okay ( i could tell there was a problem) at low rpm but once over 1/8-1/4 throttle it was missing and popping, sputtering, like crazy.

take that carb off,take it completely apart and clean it like crazy, pick up some new jets (they are cheap) and replace the old ones with them (although I just recalled you have a Dale Lineweaver special, isn't the only custom part in that a needle? i'm not sure) . put it all back together and see what happens.
This is the wire that goes to the kill switch and the ignition switch to ground the ignition, aka turn off the motor. If there is a short to ground some where in the wiring loom on this circuit it could cause the intermittent cut off of the motor. At the coil find the orange wire and unplug it from the loom, then try starting the bike, you can kill the engine by applying the rear brake firmly, and then put in gear and pop the clutch at idle.

It's just a thought, and as Sherlock Holmes father said: When everything plausible has been eliminated, whatever remains, however implausible, has to be the answer. Or someting like that.
No kill switch on that setup, I turn it off with the ignition.

But I will look in that direction as well...

When I have the carb back, I will try a new restart.

Is it possible for a dying ignition to stop providing any good, or any spark at all at lower rpm?

In this case it would explain why sustained rpm keeps the bike running and why it would erraticly die at lower rpm

From what I saw, fuel delivery was fine, except the fact that it is a Dellorto.
LeFrog said:
No kill switch on that setup, I turn it off with the ignition.

But I will look in that direction as well...

When I have the carb back, I will try a new restart.

"Is it possible for a dying ignition to stop providing any good, or any spark at all at lower rpm?"

In this case it would explain why sustained rpm keeps the bike running and why it would erraticly die at lower rpm

From what I saw, fuel delivery was fine, except the fact that it is a Dellorto.

No lower rpm exists (barring early "E" start. LOL) than when kicking. If it starts then dies, look for a fuel starvation issue and / or a vibration related ignition issue. (ie kill switch / key switch wiring)

You did move the handlebars. Such a move involves the ignition swith to some small degree. The key switch is simply another means for which to short the "Orange" lead mentioned earlier.

Insure the needle clip has not come loose allowing the needle to remain in the needle jet when you open the throttle. :?

Remember those two "float bowl" vent tubes we talked about? If those are pinched and / or obstructed in any way, shape or form your bike will indeed run and then promptly shut down only to restart again.

Nobody likes to dissagree with Dale of course but it sounds like it could be the CDI/coil to me, i've had the same thing before with identical symtoms, fire the bike up with a good plug to hand and as soon as it dies check for a spark with the spare plug, i dont know what really went wrong with mine but it checked out ok off the bike and started easy but ran for about ten seconds max, i changed the coil,cdi jobbie and hey presto! do you know any other owners to swap with? Jared
Well I'd like to test with somebody else's components, that's correct!

I am too busy with work, therefore I will test later tonight with the cleaned up carb and the orange wire removed.

When I worked on the handlebar I rerouted cables and re-zip tied them and found a connector not plug to anything and wondered what it was, it is just dangling there now until I am sure what it is but it seems to be an unused kill switch and Bobzilla, if you read this, let me know if you remember what I am talking about. A small switch, black and flat.

Well my issues started right after rerouting these cables SO chances are great this is the source of my problem.

I will order a new stator but I'd like to test with someone else's components first, that's true.
Hi crashnberg,

By all means please feel free to disagree as I am neither infallible nor clairvoyant. :lol: LOL


If push does come to shove (without regard to towing. LOL) send me the entire ignition system. I will spin it up in the lathe and inspect waveforms.

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