I was riding and fell into a puddle and the handle bars fell in the water where the electric starter button was fully submerged. The button stopped clicking into place, so I pulled it apart and cleaned it all out and put it all back together and the switch isn't clicking into positions and occasionally the bike will kill when riding and I will have to sit there pushing in and pulling out the emergency red button until it will start.
It needs to be either fixed and if it can't be, replace. I'd rather fix it then splurge $50 on a new one, so any ideas on how to fix it. I've tried pulling it apart and putting it back together the exact same way but it still doesn't click into position.
It needs to be either fixed and if it can't be, replace. I'd rather fix it then splurge $50 on a new one, so any ideas on how to fix it. I've tried pulling it apart and putting it back together the exact same way but it still doesn't click into position.