Dirt in air box


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Bloody marvelous tourist ! I thank you. Well see this is my problem the one in the link you provided is the smaller one in my photo I've purchased two and each is just too small and the bigger filter is the one that came on the bike when I purchased it which does appear to be correct and i cannot seem to find another anywhere on the interweb
Not sure how to do the thanks thing maybe someone can explain ? But I appreciate the help. Also another little quirk I've found is that I like many of you have the issue of finding neutral with the engine on I've found kicking it into second and then gently down from second works until you can fix it. I'd even like to think it's an aid so that you don't accidentally get negates when at he gates ready to launch and not husabergs mistake
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Guess ive stumped everyone? What a load of caca. Surely one damn person can point me in a direction of a filter that's correct ffs I just want to get sorted. Think You're all turning senile
Twin air for the win then let's hope third times the charm. Taffy do you see the pictures that tourist uploaded for me can you confirm which one is closer to the one you have, I know time is money but it's boggling my mind that I'm even having such a menial problem. Yes you are more than likely right about the basket can a noob do it or will I balls it up
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