Bought this bike very cheap (in Finland) 2200€ and it was used in enduro riding and so does it look, but its electric start doesnt work. The starter motor works and the battery is new, i think starter button is broken but not sure about the relay/solenoid. In the relay/solenoid there goes 3 wires, black, red and red/white. And under the red wire there is a spot(liitin in finnish, port?connector?) for some wire i don't know. Should there be some wire connecting to that?
And also i have heard about some shimming plates for the starter? It spins but doesn't spin the motor. Trys but no..
Should this bike be very hard to kickstart, not very familiar with 4 strokes but it was much easier to kickstart honda crf 250 and ktm 520. Something wrong with the motor? It doesn't idle smoothly so does the carburator idle settings matter much?
Thank you and sorry for my finglish english!
And also i have heard about some shimming plates for the starter? It spins but doesn't spin the motor. Trys but no..
Should this bike be very hard to kickstart, not very familiar with 4 strokes but it was much easier to kickstart honda crf 250 and ktm 520. Something wrong with the motor? It doesn't idle smoothly so does the carburator idle settings matter much?
Thank you and sorry for my finglish english!