The bike is an 02' 470E with about 55-60 total hours no upgrades (read all original parts). I bought the bike from a guy i trust. It had 25 hours according to him. He was meticulous in the maintenance and it showed when i got the bike. i have put about 30 hours on it and have been meticulous in the maintenance as well. the bike has no starting issues, runs great, no early warning signs of valve problems. I don't thrash my bikes, so i have never abused it. when i got it i inspected the top end, including the cam sprocket, cam chain, cam, rockers, bearings, just about anything I can see. I have done this every ten hours. it has never looked any different than when i got it. It shows hardly any wear at all. when i change the oil there are VERY few if any metal flakes.
so my question is; since non-updated bergs supposedly grenade at about 50 hours or more should i split the cases and inspect stuff? or if it is running well should i just leave it until i have a hint that something is wrong?
I have this gut feeling (although it could just be curiosity) that i should tear it completely down and have a go through. but i also have a "If it ain't broke don't fix it" kind of attitude about things that i am not intimately familiar with.
what kinds of hints, if any, should i be listening or looking for that would indicate a problem in the bottom end. keep in mind that I am not a mechanic so just pulling it out and tearing it down is a nerve racking job for me. I am not afraid I just don't want to unless i have to....
I also read Taffy's sheet and the items that he states need to be replaced seem to be working perfectly for now.
so my question is; since non-updated bergs supposedly grenade at about 50 hours or more should i split the cases and inspect stuff? or if it is running well should i just leave it until i have a hint that something is wrong?
I have this gut feeling (although it could just be curiosity) that i should tear it completely down and have a go through. but i also have a "If it ain't broke don't fix it" kind of attitude about things that i am not intimately familiar with.
what kinds of hints, if any, should i be listening or looking for that would indicate a problem in the bottom end. keep in mind that I am not a mechanic so just pulling it out and tearing it down is a nerve racking job for me. I am not afraid I just don't want to unless i have to....
I also read Taffy's sheet and the items that he states need to be replaced seem to be working perfectly for now.