husabutt said:
What are the primary benefits and detractions of converting to
100% D.C. power. The way I understand it is that 100% of the stators power then goes directly to the battery and all lights and accessories are then run from there? If this is the best way to go why don't the manufacturers use this configuration?
Getting back to the original topic, a fully AC system is certainly the simplest, but is not workable with starters, batteries or most other electronic components. eg. If a horn is fitted to these systems it will have its own little rectifier. It is how non-estart, non-road registered bikes would best be wired.
Running AC through the lighting system on batteried bikes isolates the lights from the battery. When the engine stops so do the lights. While this can be a pain in the dark it does prevent the battery being drained by the lights if not switched off when the engine is stopped.
AC has a tiny (almost negligible) advantage over DC in that it causes a bit less corrosion of wires & terminals if they get wet while live.
Road rules for registered bikes then come into it from various parts of the world requiring some parts of the electrical system to work with the engine stopped - eg tail lights. The result is the combined systems. They start with the basic AC system then add bits to do what is required, I would expect reducing differences in parts between models. The rectifier only needs to carry a few amps as most of the load is drawn upstream of it, however I don't belive the size of the rectifier should be a concern.
It is simpler, if you must use DC anywhere in the system, to simply run the whole lot DC. It allows full output to go to and past the battery. Everything can run off the battery (and flatten it if left on) with the engine stopped. Note the battery should never see more than a few amps through it when charging. The rectifier must be capable of carrying full stator output of 10 to 15 amps.
When I pulled the power relay from my bike I refitted it to automatically switch in the second stator winding only whenever the headlight is on. This reduces the work done by the stator & regulator duing times of lower electrical system load.