Interesting looking piston Bushie.
I now well understand that using big bore pistons is not worth the hassle let alone the expense and far as the part availability.
A big bore and a shorter stroke would be my ideal.
Gday Mat
big end is standard, I have a PEEK coated cage but ive already welded this one so it will go in the 700, its only a lame trailbike this one. Im hoping I "never" have to change the mains.
fresh out of spam but have plenty of play dough in stock, top work by my 5yr old assistant.
0.9mm squish, HC3015 cam, intake valves to piston 1.8mm exhausts 3mm CR is about 12.5:1
and here I thought the "Greek style" was bearing grease. I've lived in SF too long
Yeah well I'm hoping it's just yoghurt.....
.9 squish is keen with the flexing Ti pin and associated small end clearance, tight mains and big end would mediate that I spose.
the stock chain tensioner foot doesn't line up to the guide properly not sure if it is possible to correct that with your manual unit.