The bike probably has 700 hrs. on it. I dont know for sure because the odometer broke at 16,500 mi. and I probably have at least a couple thousand mi. since it broke. Some oil does run down the frame and pool by the carb. But when I fill the oil, I only fill it so it is barely readable in the window. After a ride, even only 60 or 70 miles, the oil isn't even readable in the window when my bike is leaning on the kickstand. Fritz in Gunnison just put a new timing chain in the bike about a month ago and they said my bike had better compression than most they've seen. It of course leaks a little out of the weep hole but not enough to lower the oil level. So, for the moment I carry oil with me if I am riding over 50 or 60 miles and I am adding 1,2, maybe 300 ml on the ride. Someone posted that they only put 800 ml in their bike and it seems to have stopped oil getting down in the frame and seepage from the weephole. Maybe i will try that, but I'm nervous.