Re: Battery seems to get sluggish over time, alternator prob
hhhhhhmmmm.... ok so i think when you say audible you where checking for power or voltage at the headlight connector, and there was power there making it beep because you had the other end grounded.....this would indicate that on the power wires the circuit is working like it will still need to check the ground circuit, the test you ran only proves continuity through the power wires, (because you created a short circuit to ground with the tester, it only showed you power at the point right before the bulb)
to check the ground circuit, you would connect the same tester on voltage setting to a power source, battery positive or otherwise, and when you hear the chime it means the ground is good, if you have power and ground at the headlight connector that would indicate a bad bulb, if no ground is found you must find out why,
if what your saying is your headlights are coming on and off at random with the switch off then i would say that i think you have a shorted circuit, if the switch is on and they just go off and on at random i would think an open or broken circuit, if you are saying that the lights work when the engine is off and as soon as you start it the lights quit working then i would think vibration from engine is causing a poor connection??
i would still start by checking the easiest before you get to worried, you could have a border line battery and it simply is not holding a charge and the lights are enough to cause insufiecient power to start, after you shut off the lights then voltage comes back up enough to turn the strarter,
i would try a "wiggle test" or all wiring with engine on or off to see they flicker or come on when you get to a particular section of wiring, also id pull the bulb just to make sure its good, also when your checking you power and ground at the headlight flip the switch back and forth and moniter the change for high and low beam
and definatly check the bulb, sometimes the filaments burn out and just hang there and cross to the other filament and could make it work and not work too, they could also short the high to the low beam and draw more power than normal, usually resulting in a burned out bulb shortly after
or you may have a combination of problems, weak battery and burned out headlight bulb or shorted wiring
good luck, if you find out any more info but still dont find the problem, give me a very acurate desription of the complete problem from top to bottom and precisly what you have tested and ill ponder it some more, i am an auto technician and like to think i am quite good with wiring but i aslo usually have a really great schematic, these bikes wiring are very easy compared to some of the new cars with bus networks and 32 computers, 110 switches, and another 60 sensors etc. usually even if you dont know wiring really good and dont have a schematic, just following the basics and thinking through all your tests youll find it eventually...another tip would be to record the results of what you have tested, keeps you from testing thinks twice and/or forgetting you test results, also gives you "known good" data if something else fails later