Any news on 570 cams?


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Hello TomTom

do you have a part number for that KTM450SX cam?

and I note that although you quote the KTM cam figures, you don't quote the Husaberg ones?

which I have here.

the Husaberg has two rockers with cam follower bearings. the KTM has an inlet rocker with no follower bearing.



Dont have the notes at home, should be 244 inlet and 234 exhaust, 10,5/9mm, 116/113, dont quote me, its from memory, pretty sure though.
Bedtime gotta get up early!
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I've measured it as REAL valve lift and it is nothing like that.

the figures you quote make the KTM cam a lot pokier!

so I'd start thinking about a KTM cam.

if it was the same as the Husaberg the part number would be the same, however, Husaberg now have a system where the customer finds it difficult to get the part numbers.

it's almost as though you have to go back to working with the owners CD/parts book.


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sorry but now I need clarity - call me pedantic!

you quoted
248d, 10.5mm lift, 108d peak
242d, 9mm lift, 108d peak
was this for the KTM 450SM?
is 10.5 & 9mm the 'actual; or quoted; or at 1mm? (doubt the last)
as requested, if they know evrything off the top of their heads on the telephone then they will know the KTM part number of the cam.
and while you ask them can you get the inlet rocker arm part number? the one with no CFB. I guess I can get these if they can't.

and secondly (or is that tenthly?)
what are you quoting here? which bike, engine model?:

"From the notes:
In 244 10,5 116
Ex 234 9 113

The SM cam at 112/104 is tempting."

you talk of it being 'easy' to copy at web cam but they only do what they are asked to do. Travis tells me he has had a lot of trouble with them. in the workshop he says he doesn't want to make anymore but our host troll reckons he does.

I can't see 112/104 as any good. rock it to 108/108. but I reckon 110/110 is best on a naked single.


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Duration @1mm, no lash.
108/108 centerlines, ie the mathematical mid point between points for 1mm opening.
In 10,5mm lift, ex 9mm lift.
112/104 is from the 450SM cam retarded 4 degrees as I have good compression already, and dont want more actual compression, this brings better top end to 108/108.

If you take a cam and run it in the audietech cam doctor and hands that data to WC they can do you a cam, what they said talking to them anyways, not gonna do that so its not important to me.
450 sxf

78936060000 rocker arm int
78936010133 CAMSHAFT W. AUT

78936010133 CAMSHAFT W. AUT
78936060000 ROCKER ARM INTA
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pick the bones from this lot:

78036010333-450 berg and KTM 6-days 2010

78036010233 was superceded by 78636010033-530 (KTM only)

81736010033 was superceded by 81736010133-570 berg only, and is the same code as 78736010033

the cam timing of yours TomTom is far wilder than the 570. in all this, you haven't said a part number for this cam?

I get the feeling we are still on about two different cams.

the majority of the parts charts I visited had CFBs on the rocker arms too! but I didn't visit them all.

as I said, very hard to work with KTM parts charts now.............


The 570 cam numbers are from Berg, I didnt measure my own engine. WC measured 238 at 0.05" on the intake they said, difference to 1mm lift is usually ~5 degrees.
What numbers did you get measuring?

I didnt get a part number he just referred to it as the 450 SM cam, but I can call him and ask np.
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yes please ask him.
a KTM insider might have more info on all the numbers I supplied. crazy! the game has completely changed over the last three years.

cross referencing was all part of 'the game'.

the 570 has weird cam lift.
120d peak lifts (symetrical)

inlet 312d lift or 230d at 1mm lift at .005",
9.9mm max lift.

exhaust 320d lift or 222d lift at 1mm and .005",
8.5mm max lift

this tells me that that rocker arm with the pad on it is a tuning mod IF IF IF these cams are all the same.

or your mates grow mushrooms in the dark is the other choice.........


To me its what we do now, just dig into it, ambition will be rewarded.
I need to try a bit harder, you dont want to ask too much at first.
I think tq is ok with 100nm to the litre, but its not something you brag about, surely we can find a better combo of stuff imho, and Im the persistant kind :)
Right now Im to race the bike so I obviously wont touch it, but season is over by first week of april. Try and hook a 450SM head then and try it out with the 42mm TB, then get a 46mm crf TB, conveniently I got all the TB voltages for the berg.
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well TomTom me old mate!

you're quoting some hairier cam timing and I think you or your all knowing mate who can quote valve timing off his head need to front up!

I look forward to your mate backing up his 'known facts' with a part number.


I hear you, dont worry :) I dont mind if they are shorter than I quoted, then we got more to gain by swapping.

It is the 570 cam you measured right? Just making sure its not the 450 cam.
The 450 numbers are
In 234dur 110cl and 10lift
Ex 234dur 113cl and 9lift (identical to 570)

Edit: Ill try and call for the part# coming week.
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