Another weep hole question


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i'm gutted to hear you suffer from the dreaded weep hole virus .[ berg aids ]

i contact you via pm and spill the beans baby .
Still no good. The dealer is going to try a new cover plate again and seal around the outside of the seal. Husaberg Australia seem to want nothing to do with this problem. Im just thankful that i have a great dealer who is trying to get it sorted. I've had the bike for 4 months and husaberg have at it for 2 months. I just want to ride the animal without oil leaks
thats not good .

did he fit a new shaft ??

the strange thing is this , i had my cover off to replace the wp
seal , and inspect all internals . after i fitted the cover it leaked oil for a couple of days and then it stopped .

i can't explain .
Berg55078 said:
Still no good. The dealer is going to try a new cover plate again and seal around the outside of the seal. Husaberg Australia seem to want nothing to do with this problem. Im just thankful that i have a great dealer who is trying to get it sorted. I've had the bike for 4 months and husaberg have at it for 2 months. I just want to ride the animal without oil leaks

Looks like the issue has recieved some attention in 07:

"Water Pump Sealing: New type of material installed for the water pump seal with improved sealing function. For all models 2007."
I have a 04 berg 450 it has done 700 ks only and has got a water weep hole problem had the problem since 300 ks the dealer told me it has either a warped head or a blown head gasket and its gonna cost 400 to fix i have already replaced the shaft seal but it still leaks have i bought a lemon ??
I had the same problem with my 04 450 6 months ago, replaced the seal carefully; no more problems to date.
if you have replaced the seal and it still leaks it means you have damaged the seal on installation .

order a mounting sleeve from husaberg , part no 590.29.005.010 .

this part stops the damage to the seal as you fit the cover back on .

when you install the seal into the cover make sure it fits into the recess square .
i have just been back to the dealer where he started my 04 450 with the radiator cap off and coolant was squirting out the top of the radiator whilst he was revving it he tells me this is because of blown head gasket and due to this its making my weep hole leak is he for real i just wanna ride my bike
DECKA said:
i have just been back to the dealer where he started my 04 450 with the radiator cap off and coolant was squirting out the top of the radiator whilst he was revving it he tells me this is because of blown head gasket and due to this its making my weep hole leak is he for real i just wanna ride my bike

Could be, if it's pressurizing the coolant system. With a blown head gasket, normally coolant will be present in the oil (looks like milk) or the exhaust will be smoking white, either symptom should be easy to spot.
Well it looks like we are well on our way to a solution. My local dealer has machined the cover plate, so it will take a different bearing and a better seal. 1st test, it was not leaking. He will be doing a couple of big rides and see how it goes. If all is good, ill do the same to my bike.

ill let you all know
the oil is fine and there is no smoke from the exhaust and the berg still runs a treat apart from pissing out water from the weep hole i will by a new seal again and use the mounting sleeve and try to be as careful as i can thanks for the helpfull replys cheers Decka

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