bought this bike from a kid who had lowered it. Being 6'5" and 260# nekked it's going to have to be re-done.
Anyone with similar bike and human build get me into the ballpark with spring rates and source?
Oil level for forks?
Anyone shimming the shock?
Did a search for "FS600" and came up nada.....
EDIT; It's an FS600E? Grrrr....
bought this bike from a kid who had lowered it. Being 6'5" and 260# nekked it's going to have to be re-done.
Anyone with similar bike and human build get me into the ballpark with spring rates and source?
Oil level for forks?
Anyone shimming the shock?
Did a search for "FS600" and came up nada.....
EDIT; It's an FS600E? Grrrr....
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