53 cam - part of the starting problem?


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the "08" cam part number is 820.36.010.000

the oem springs used with this cam are 59436028044 conical or 80036028044 dual spring kit

check out any online fiche i use mototech.com.au

between the 08 cam and the lineweaver X-2 that Taffymiester calls his tourque profile I prefer the 08, similar tourque and more peak power.

"acellerated" wear of the valve train running the 08 profile Vs the X-2 profile is a non issue in my experience. as long as the cam lobes are of a high enough quality (oem) to handle the loads they exert on themselves the engine will last a very long time :wink:
My springs aren't those. unless you now want to tell me my job as well? but you couldn't could you. you can't even hold a phuqin bike engine together so you can't really give any advice. breakin 'em yep, the expert! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

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Ok games up Taffy this has nothing to do with handling it is your piss poor customer service and crappy products you send around the world clanking together and being damaged because they are wrapped in nothing more than bin liners

my Taffmeisters tourque cam lasted 30 hours I have 220 hours on my 08 cam and I have 60 hours on my JBS 700 kit that you told me was an egg so its not the way I put them together mate

I know of 4 other taffmeister regrinds that have failed one at 9 hours

if I had crawled up his enourmus butt and kept quiet I could have got my money back i guess

screw that everyone needs to know when a product is sub standard

the reason I gave the KTM part number for the dual valve springs is that taffys DVSK INCREASES the seated pressure on the valves. the 0.1mm shims under them to try and correct this issue are my idea and FWIW it does not work! the springs grab the shims and the shims spin in the head that sends alloy flakes everywhere.

the oversize exhaust valve taffy sent me was machined by a cack handed numpty by being chucked too close to the head resulting in the head being asymetrical and having no face for half its diameter. it took me 2 hours to correct, taffy offered no compensation and the valve ended up smaller than the 32mm valve I paid for

there is a whole saga of this kind of stuff, business dealing that go wrong, parts dammaged etc that I have kept quiet out of respect for Taffys efforts with this site and husabergs in general, sadly due to his silly antics I don't feel I need to do that anymore. if anyone wants more specific details send me a PM
"machined by a cack handed numpty", an expression that I will add to my vocabulary of broken english. :)
Hera we go again ...


No need for that :cheers: :cheers:

bushmechanic said:

Ok games up Taffy this has nothing to do with handling it is your piss poor customer service and crappy products you send around the world clanking together and being damaged because they are wrapped in nothing more than bin liners

my Taffmeisters tourque cam lasted 30 hours I have 220 hours on my 08 cam and I have 60 hours on my JBS 700 kit that you told me was an egg so its not the way I put them together mate

I know of 4 other taffmeister regrinds that have failed one at 9 hours

if I had crawled up his enourmus butt and kept quiet I could have got my money back i guess

screw that everyone needs to know when a product is sub standard

the reason I gave the KTM part number for the dual valve springs is that taffys DVSK INCREASES the seated pressure on the valves. the 0.1mm shims under them to try and correct this issue are my idea and FWIW it does not work! the springs grab the shims and the shims spin in the head that sends alloy flakes everywhere.

the oversize exhaust valve taffy sent me was machined by a cack handed numpty by being chucked too close to the head resulting in the head being asymetrical and having no face for half its diameter. it took me 2 hours to correct, taffy offered no compensation and the valve ended up smaller than the 32mm valve I paid for

there is a whole saga of this kind of stuff, business dealing that go wrong, parts dammaged etc that I have kept quiet out of respect for Taffys efforts with this site and husabergs in general, sadly due to his silly antics I don't feel I need to do that anymore. if anyone wants more specific details send me a PM

this churlish behaviour is all through the handling thread, I've re-read it and it's 100% you throwing a tizzy. you make it clear above that you've been dying to have a go at me since. you're a phuqin kid so grow up.

I won't get involved any longer with you as for what you say - fine - that's your view, you're right on some wrong on others but I'll not speak of it anymore. bury it and move on.

lets see....since posting this up a couple of days ago Ive learn't via PM of even more Taffmiesters customers having products failed, arrived damaged or just crap.. so can't see where im wrong on any of those counts.

they also got no customer service, no refund, no nothing even though their engines were worse off than mine I was lucky to catch that cam retourquing the head. you told me I was being "far too anal" when I noted the valve spring issue, then you go and have some 0.1mm shims made up the same as i did but Im being churlish?

I did give you a hard time in the handling threads because you crap on as if what works on your bike for you is the only way to set up a husaberg which is just nuts. again that has nothing to do with me having a go at you about your failed products. I just enjoy stirring you up, I figured out you've got nothing worth buying so its about all you're good for . which begs the question if you have such a great handling 400 WTF are you doing riding a 570?

where I took issue with this cam stuff, it is a cam thread no? is you using this site to sell the good people of the UHE the same junk you sold me by spinning a load of crap about the "taffmeisters tourque cam" being the same as or an upgrade to the 08 cam. this is just WRONG.

there IS an issue with taffys regrinds hes just too dodgy to admit it, apart from the difference in quality the 2 profiles offer different performance! they are in no way "essentially the same" nor should anyone expect the "tourque cam" to be an upgrade in any way over the 08.

this is well documented one here with dyno testing, he should also quit using the "tourque" and "top end" designations and give credit to the origninal designers if hes going to continue copying their profiles.
firstly those people whoever they are are welcome to my full support in sorting the problem. whatever problems you have you could have sorted them out with me but you have chosen to go public. I've had three standard factory cams come to me: two two weeks ago and one is coming today. half the reason people swop cams is because theirs are wrecked but I don't always sell new cam follower bearings.... any problems I've had with these cams I have dealt with. care to name any of these other people? do you speak for these other people? if you can't substantiate these people then don't mention them.

just so as everyone knows I was prepared to sort any problems you had out and if you still want anything sorted out then you should do it off screen. you have had many months to request a change and because you've said nothing then there are no outstanding issues.

to do it like this proves what a piece of scum you are. you use some implausable excuse to stir **** all because you lost it in a handling thread! what an arsehole! scum. pure scum.

firstly you offered no compensation over the valve whatsoever, it was "all a big fuss over nothing" according to you

just so everyone knows I decided not to go with a "change" becasue it would be another peice of spray welded Taffmeisters junk

in your version of reality I am only posting publicly about your failed products here becasue we have a difference in opinion over swingarm geometry?

come on man I gave you a hard time over the swingarm months after you sold me the junk.ie, the cam did not fail because of this disagreement right? the valve was not machined wrong becasue of our differences of opinion (i hope) ? so the clearly two issues are independant

I am pushing this issue publicly because you are pushing your products publicly, the same products that I had fail so think of it as a product review

the cam failed becasue it was junk, after realising all your products are junk or available elsewhere i started to give you some of your own crap back in a few threads... from your reaction it is clear you can't handle reading what you dish out

you now write that you would have given full support to the people who have had your cams go... they tell me otherwise. I will not name anyone who has contaced me privately, if they don't have the balls to go public that is fair enough and you allready know who they are.

I know it is hard to decide what to believe on the internet but pictures do not lie.


the words 'all your products' sums where you are from. this isn't about your problems, this is about damaging my business, this isn't about you not getting fair play because you haven't even perseud it. you left it as was.

whatever problems you had, you had Months ago and you were offered the chance to get things right. you agreed to have someone/engineer turn the valve down. My engineer had turned down the valve too near the head and was therefore not in line with the stem - the true centre. a 31.5++mm valve was the result, absolutely no difference. you sorted it, good for you. so why throw your toys out your pram now?

and the cam? you prefered the '08' anyway you said. so you left it, THAT WAS YOUR CHOICE. as I say I have three OEM cams here now, my workshop is littered with them. and while you reckon you're a genius mechanic I know there are plenty out there that aren't and don't know that their cam bearings are shot, that there CFBs are gone, that their rocker fork walls are damaged.

everyone who has come to me with a problem, I have dealt with satisfactorily to both parties. most people know that in the small turnover word things can go wrong but it's how you deal with it that matters and most folk are actually very understanding.

but what am I to do with a tart who's having her monthly?

you're far more interested in damaging all that I'm working towards than any problem you've got. that could be sorted very easily but you want a LOT more.

and you still know about anti-squat and it doesn't matter how many times you throw a tizzy you got it wrong. I proved it in my tests, I took the theory, did the deed, bike handles a dream!

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Dear Sirs

As I said some posts ago:

zaga said:
Hera we go again ...


No need for that :cheers: :cheers:


I don't think too much of this talk will be good for this forum, some of it can be even fun but enough is enough !

Not taking sides let me tell you my experience:

I've bought most of Taffs modifications in to my FE400 and honestly this is a diferent bike, not being a expert mechanic I can't get in to the more technical details, but so far it works fine.

I've had things with Taff that was not perfect or that he forgot something or that he have send me something with the wrong dimension, I think moustly because he is making a lot of things at the same time.
Every time I've complain he allways solved everything.

I have a torque cam that still is running ok, I'm not a hard core racer so I don't push it very much, but if I have a problem some time in the future that I think I have to complain, I will do, and I think Taff wil be reasonable as its been so far.

In my opinion the knowlege of both is a fundamental input to this site, because most of us are here trying to solve problems that only a few, like you guys can, and without yours knowlege this site will be empty very soon or without any interest.

I think both have made your points, everyone read, now let it go !!!!!

I think both have made your points, everyone read, now let it go !!!!!

agreed Zaga! the one good thing that has come from this thread is we have it publicly in text that Taffy WILL help anyone whose cam fails! there are going to be quite a few "happy" customers after this thread 8O

to sumerise :) the main issue I have is that Mr Taffy is trying to sell his tourque cam as an upgrade to the 08 this is wrong

anytime he pushes his cams in public I will let people know what happened to mine and also describe how the performance differs

Taffys point is correct that I could have privately worked out something with him and been compensated ON HIS terms with a replacement spray welded cam regrind however the fact remains he still sold me a crappy valve (31.4mm diam and 2 + hours labour is most definately not a 32mm valve) also a cam that failed and a set of valve springs that increase seated pressure and sent them around the world clanking together wrapped in a bin liner

I chose instead to let the good people of the UHE know (these are people I respect deeply) that there are more cams than just mine that I know of that have failed, not all of them were properly looked after. one guy who taffy claims had the cam bearings go says the bearings were ok and Taffy installed the cam bearings.

customer service aside the products I recieved were still JUNK

A true scumbag would have worked out something privately and then ratted on mr Taffy afterwards, Im just being honest and doing so at my cost to let people know what might happen if you buy a cheap cam regrind.

I'm not a mechanic Taffy Im many things, currently employed as a mechanical engineer, Bmech.eng Hons , Diesel fitter and turner by trade and 100% pure pre 09 husaberg fanatic, I LOVE my bike dearly, anyone who sells me junk products then expects me to put them in my bike then calls me anal (among other things) for pointing out some of the flaws at least deservs a bit of a stirring.

I won't post in this thread again, Taffys not reading my posts and hes loosing far too much business putting up all his insults in public :D
Hi BushMec

I'm also a mechanical engineer, but I'm not mechanical even closer like you guys !

As I've said I'm not taking sides, and in my side Taff is has been fair to me.

As you've said, and its fair, if Taff is using this site to sell his produts, he should be scrutinized in this site also.

And if Taff hasen't been fair to you, I think you can complain here in this site.

The only thing I've said was, that all of us had allready understood.

Sounds like pretty serious stuff. Just goes to show - when you see a bloke at the pub with the same bike as you that doesn't make you friends.
I thought this post was allready very...very gone by now...

Just for the record, I whant to say, my torque cam also failed at 50 hours, it was bad, but as I stated earlier in this post, I was hoping that Taff would make the right thing.

Well he did !!

He his going to send me a new cam for a fair price for the trade.

So I wasen't so wrong after all..

zaga said:
I thought this post was allready very...very gone by now...

Just for the record, I whant to say, my torque cam also failed at 50 hours, it was bad, but as I stated earlier in this post, I was hoping that Taff would make the right thing.

Well he did !!

He his going to send me a new cam for a fair price for the trade.

So I wasen't so wrong after all..


neither was I ZAGA :D

a fair price for the trade?

that sounds a bit rough to me as he was selling cams that people knew were failing 3 years ago

you should get IMHO new rocker arm complete assys both intake and exhaust and new rocker pins and a "new" cam all FOC

FWIW since I turned this thread into an honest review I get about 1 PM a week from other members with the same concerns regarding Taffmeister products.
Hi Bushie

It was a fair trade, just a couple of euros, because its giong to be "a new process"

You are right about other costs, I will have to buy a new follower... well the man is having enough problems allready with the cams, so everyone got to help a bit.


Finaly I have to say, I have no interest in Taff's shop !

The thing I would like to know, is what started this discussion, I have one 400 02' with the torque cam that starts first time, and one friends 470 01' with one 02 cam (that I've changed) and all the other improvements (almost all thats in the book) that the 400 has, but its a bitch to start.

Cam this overlap thing of the torque cam or the 08 cam, make all this big diference in the starting issue ????

The owners of 01-03 bergs before they start thinking of performance, they think a lot of starting their bikes :mrgreen:

So a good solution in this would be a great help..

cheapest and so far the safest bet to try a different overlap is the ktm 8/33 cam

part number 590.36.110.000, they can be got for US $120 which is about 73 pounds, elsnorro likes his

topend cam is LX-1 copy which is very similar to the 8/07 SMS.36.010.000 they can be got for 221usd which is 135 pounds

there is also the HC3015 they go for 131 usd new on ebay.for a tourque cam try the 8/06 590.36.010.100 and 135 USD about 83 pounds both quite cheap.

taffs shameless copies of the Lineaweaver/Megacyle LX-1 and LX-2 profiles are now 180 pounds or 293 usd and you must supply a core worth say 30 bucks then mail it to him so its over 300 USD for more untested regrinds and there is a turnaround delay. I know its a new approach but its still untested. Its roughly the same price now as megacycle.



there is an opportunity simply begging here for "someone" to make a husaberg specific cam of their own design that has good starting, similar peak torque to the LX-2 and still has a honking top end without concave flanks. that would be worth over $300 US IMHO.

all "they" need to do is listen to the cust feedback re performance and get the intake closing point and overlap right :wink:
Thank You for your explanation.

My question still is other, what is your expert opinion about the decompression effect of the overlap and the starting thing ?? Would that make a major difference ?

And to make a change in one 470, making it start better, and make it softer as possible in the power, what would be your choice ??


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