390 stalling a lot


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Dec 29, 2010
Northern NJ
I wnet back to my dealer to verify I had the latest map after a lot of stalling on my first ride. I didn't write the exact map number down...I should have...

Mark Donovan had mentioned the latest map is "1001"

looking at my map on the dealers computer it did contain "1001" in the middle somewhere, however I know it ended in 1002

I'm not sure if this is the correct map or not....I can tell you this: the bike runs like crap once it is hot. today I was out in the snow and crawling thru some rocky single tracks, once it got hot and started coughing and stalling it was terrible. It would also spit and sputter on decel

I have a rekluse installed and toyed with the idea that it was dragging too much and stalling in the tight, however it is more of a fuel kind of cough and pop stall. I do have the rekluse set to med engagement rpm and hard rate with 6 tungsten balls. I can lock up the rear wheel at any time and it just idles albeit a low idle....

at one point it stalled and I tried to start it in gear with the clutch lever pulled in and it would start, run for a second and die. it did this 3 times until I put it in neutral and then it started and idled high.... I do have the idle set high (all the way counter clockwise), however the idle is inconsistent. sometimes when I stop with the clutch pulled in the idle is low, and then sometimes it is very high.

I might take the rekluse out just to eliminate the possibility of clutch drag causing the problem, although it really seems like a fuel/ignition problem.

I have not had the tank off to check the fuel filter yet, but I would think if that was the problem it would be stalling all the time, not only when it's warmed up.

Very fustrating to drop this kind of money on a new bike and have it run like crap from the get go, at least with a carb I could adjust it and get it running right.....with the dealer telling me I have the correct map I don't know what else I can do????
I would take it back to the dealer.
As long as you have checked the obvious. No air leaks, oil level not too full (no oil mist in the air box), spark plug is good (not cracked), fuel is good, battery is good, air filter is not over oiled, you have let the bike relearn for your temp and altitude etc..
I doubt it has anything to do with the Rekluse.
Your running a fan kit....right?
Do you have a map switch? Does it run better on another setting?
no fan kit, never needed it on any of my ktm's, only spewed a little bit of coolant once in an ignorant tight section.
air filter oem from husaberg, looks fine
have not checked the plug yet, will do tonight
fuel good
did let it idle for 5 minutes

I guess I'll pull the tank tonight and check the fuel filter.....
oddly enough no...I never really thought to check it, but will definitely have a look tonight!!



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