390/450/570 race cam


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In an email to me TR offer a stage 4 cam to my 570 for $425 (aug 27th 2014).

Husaberg 570 FE
"Add our hardweld performance cam for even more gains"

well what's a stage 4 cam then? we can all guess I suppose. sometimes people don't upgrade their web sites for a while although August does seem quite recent to hear two different things.

I got off the phone with him just one hour ago...no cams for sale.
on his web site right now. no cams for sale. he says he tunes with the standard cam now.

and he says he had trouble trying anything more aggresive and has pulled back. it's his name over the door after all...

at least that proves he spray welds them as well. kinda shot Bushie in the foot for him there Mr Andersson....


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Im not trying to shoot anyone in the foot, including you. I just thought your statement was strange as they do advertize them on their site and that email.

And true, they dont have cams for sale as you have to send one to them for re-profiling. Unless they stopped that now..?

Regarding what a stage 4 cam is, this is from their site:
A stage 2 cam provides a strong mid range power increase. This cam is best suited for faster mx and more open style riding. The stage 3 cam is best suited for our higher compression and/or bigger displacements. The stage 4 is for the power hungry. Bottom end suffers a little about 10% @ 2000rpm but mid to topend power is increased dramatically and the motor gains a good amount of overrev.

But I think it's best to let TR be, I would much more prefer that you explain and tell us about your cams instead. Yes we have all seen the input in this thread but I don't think your aggressive defensive style is productive for anyone Taffy. Just please explain about what you can offer and maybe pro's and con's between your products vs competitors in a neutral and professional manner? I'm sure most of us know that reprofiling cams, and tuning overall, is a potential wrecked engine. It comes with risk. Let us potential buyers make up our mind about the products instead of the persons.

they are not spray welded

google the process and compare it to TIG hard facing

I don't have time to explain complex engineering processes to an abusive idiot

I did not recommend anything. I repeatedly suggested there is another company who knows more about cams than taffy .. that is not a recommendation

taffy accusing me of lies again ?

he claimed his valve springs reduce seated force over oem by 40%. not true .. they increase it.

he claimed his cam chain is lighter and stronger than standard. not true it is heavier

now he claims to have covered every single cam that failed . also not true

this is taffy response to someone who asked if they had any cams fail .. open forum post

are you hanging your laundry out to dry in public? I had a customer phone me today with a problem and I offered to replace the cam, also to find out what was wrong. if you're the same man then I suggest that you remove the above remark or you won't be getting phuq all! :evil: :evil:



looks like he got fuq all .. failure not covered

So why the hoo har about a race cam when Travis uses a standard cam, you just blew your foot clean off.

I have the TR cam out of Torque Monsters 663, seems to work well with more displacement. 40 hours of hi rpm abuse on it now and no dramas.
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Jon made a very good attempt to get this thread back in it's track, so please bushie, don't come with the springs story again, we all have heard it several times.

spray welding is your expression Bushie. I took it up for the first time I think in this thread. I thought it was a generic term for a welded up cam which is what I've always called it till now.

the cams that were done for me were stellite welded which is friggin hard. I can only claim though to leave it to others that are proffessional cam grinders to tell me what is what.

BTW Travis does $2k of cams a month which is more than all mione sold and put together I reckon. credit to him. makes the bad ones easier to swollow I should think.

I like to leave the races to the aces!


changing the subject as usual Bushie.

I don't think even my detractiors here would even pretend that you weren't peddling cam or whatever you like to call it for them. in every thread I'm on you peddle all the alternatives. so for me that is just typical of you - fine but you should know where Travis is now.....nowhere hear you or your mouth thank christ. we saw eye to eye completely on internet trolls. well not completely coz I said I confront the scum.

you have to hate someone who puts up anattributable quotes that only he keeps to pretend he's not alone. so far we have you and a ghost. actually, if I wasn't senile and have completely forgotten about who and how I'd make a right old song and dance about it but **** - it's my age!

but I comfort myself with the fact that there are two pigs out there that only their mothers could love and didn't get a free replacement cam.

I was recently sold a set of TCs under completely the wrong title. I had to keep calm, yes I threatened court action to get my £500 niker back but eventually settled for the full cost of the part like most.

but it was done in such a way that I left the door open for more business with them (not that they give a **** what the FX are!)

I can stick to the subject Bushie or foillow your attitude but I think you lost it this time. people are on to you.

have a go at me over my plastic bags. I always love it when you do that!!!


I will have a word with a company and make sure that the cams are going to be right. I don't want to sell something I'm not sure of as with this one we have Fi and a re-map to worry about.

talking to Travis was productive and he is going to try my 4-taper needle.

I will put any more news up here. I will also try and use the cam on my bike first as it is coming off the dirt onto the road.


You need to ring tuts and get some of the pills he's on Taffy and settle down :)
This post is out there, even the old "Is the site healthy" thread with the flying Regina chain and Fancy Pants gets a mention :)
The plastic bag picture with the valve in it cracks me up too Taf, just glad it wasn't a valve I brought :)
spray welding is your expression Bushie. I took it up for the first time I think in this thread.

I thought it was a generic term for a welded up cam

which is what I've always called it till now.



google "spray welding"

no sorry mate its not changing the subject,

you devoted several pages of crap to claiming thumper racing cams were made by "spray welding"
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oh I get it so all along you were accussing me of using spray welding when I said I wasn't and now it's all changed and you are now accusing me of using spray welded cams and I say I wasn't.

got it. had this conversation before Bushie, talk to my hand. all I know is that they were stellite welded by a man who's spent a lifetime making cams. sure the job wasn't good enough, your kicking a door open that was ajar when you do that anyway.

I started going to him in 1982.

now if you're happy with that can we move on?

as for the TR cams, Berglsmerg, your asking me for a definintive all encompassing, finish of argument, no doubt about it statement.

no idea? nope, no idea?

bushie recommends a stage 4 cam I think, Andersson has been offered a stage 4 cam. nobody actually knows what a stage 4 cam is for sure. I know that there are fuelling issues as well but I haven't been there yet.

I know that TR has had trouble and has told me he is drawing back from full on race cams. I know the reasons, but won't divulge as it is between him and his customers isn't it.

far from shootiong my foot off, if bushie is saying A and I'm saying B and it turns out the alphabet master has left the room there seems little point in argueing over nothing! what is your point again?

what I'm now going to do is get in touch with my supplier and using all the info at my disposal I shall be trying to avoid the rat's nest.

seems little point though for what? 2-3 sales at tops?

the Americans have everything on their doorstep and 4 times the market, that and the weak dollar/strong pound...great! then the KTM market is what? 6 times the 4 times so that is 24 times bigger.

24 times bigger. TR sell more cams in a Month than I do in two years! (1 to 24!)

bushie recommends a stage 4 cam



oh I get it so all along you were accussing me of using spray welding when I said I wasn't and now it's all changed and you are now accusing me of using spray welded cams and I say I wasn't.

got it. had this conversation before Bushie, talk to my hand. all I know is that they were stellite welded by a man who's spent a lifetime making cams. sure the job wasn't good enough, your kicking a door open that was ajar when you do that anyway.


LOL you didn't even know what spray welding was till yesterday let alone say they weren't sprayed.... and you call yourself a "specialist"

the metallurgist who examined a disintegrating taffy cam said the failure was due to hertzian load failure in the HAZ, embrittlement of the junction between the high carb cam steel and the build up (Google it ) and a poor quality hard facing that was too thin, consistent with the type of failure normally seen with spray welded cams.

this was years ago, you didn't provide any information to the contrary then or since and given the high failure rate (more than 50% based on your figures) we all went with the metallurgists opinion.

if they were in fact TIG hard faced there were 2 issues, poor quality filler rod (there are many to choose from) and the hard facing being too thin. (to save money .. filler rod is expensive)

you wrote you want me to have a go at you about your plastic bags;

taffy sent my mate a sparks rewound stator in a plastic bag with no padding or packing. it was damaged of course and when sparks found out he was not pleased .. so ol taff started using bubble wrap

you know who he is so unless you can get both of them to post otherwise ....

LOL have a nice day ;)
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Had the same mode of failure with a hard faced 13 3/4" drill collar supporting a 6 ton raise bore reamer hanging off the end of it. The results were more spectacular than this thread. :eek:


LOL you didn't even know what spray welding was till yesterday let alone say they weren't sprayed.... and you call yourself a "specialist"

the metallurgist who examined a disintegrating taffy cam said the failure was due to hertzian load failure in the HAZ, embrittlement of the junction between the high carb cam steel and the build up (Google it ) and a poor quality hard facing that was too thin, consistent with the type of failure normally seen with spray welded cams.

this was years ago, you didn't provide any information to the contrary then or since and given the high failure rate (more than 50% based on your figures) we all went with the metallurgists opinion.

if they were in fact TIG hard faced there were 2 issues, poor quality filler rod (there are many to choose from) and the hard facing being too thin. (to save money .. filler rod is expensive)

you wrote you want me to have a go at you about your plastic bags;

taffy sent my mate a sparks rewound stator in a plastic bag with no padding or packing. it was damaged of course and when sparks found out he was furious

you know who he is so unless you can get both of them to post otherwise ....

LOL have a nice day ;)
you were recommending a 8/07 type cam for the 613 motor in the first line of this thread. end of

if they were in fact TIG hard faced there were 2 issues, poor quality filler rod (there are many to choose from) and the hard facing being too thin. (to save money .. filler rod is expensive)
so you are the specialist and you now accept that what I say was the process might be true? there is infact a small possibility that you are wrong about the process he used? even a small one? go on Bushie, admit it, there's just a tiny chance that I was telling the truth all along....go on you little tinker, I can tell there's a little ***** of light there somewhere? :eek:

me, I'm not a specialist in how they are made, I never said I was. no your mistaking me with being a better mechanic than you. THAT BIT IS TRUE. :p all I ever said to you was that all I knew was that they were stillite welded and you kept telling me you KNEW, YOU KNEW that they were spray welded. I don't caren that I didn't know about any other process. my pioint is that you wouldn't accept that that was what I said, what I meant and therefore I was telling the truth.

are you calling me a liar then on this point?

you were recommending a 613 cam telling everyone it was just about the nearest thing to an LX1 and an LX2 cam. I can't find that comment now, withdrawn it have we?

yet you have also been known to say that the LX2 cam is no better than a standard cam. so how close does that then make the standard cam to the 613 cam? we'll we know that they are nowhere near similar.

stupid comment.

and don't bring other people into it who don't want a mention Bushie, bad tatse but somewhat typical of you.

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LOL this is better value than cable TV

spray welding can be done with stellite its just not very good. since most of your cams failed this was the logical conclusion. I didn't disagree with you on the stellite hard facing ... you never tried to tell me they were not spray welded only that they were stellite. they can be both.

Remember it was the metallurgists opinion that the failure was consistent with that normally seen with spray welded cams.

the key words relate to the process used and are "TIG hard facing" which you never wrote anywhere because you didn't know what it meant. you couldn't even TIG up your own frame LOL!

you were recommending a 8/07 type cam for the 613 motor in the first line of this thread. end of

you were recommending a 613 cam telling everyone it was just about the nearest thing to an LX1 and an LX2 cam. I can't find that comment now, withdrawn it have we?

yet you have also been known to say that the LX2 cam is no better than a standard cam. so how close does that then make the standard cam to the 613 cam? we'll we know that they are nowhere near similar.

stupid comment.


ALL WRONG! and so funny :D:D:D

I recommended nothing in this thread regarding a specific profile and haven't withdrawn anything about the 613 cam

END OF . ...... ..... LOL

the x2 makes less power than the std cam and moves everything down in the rev range, peak tourque is not increased and you have less usable rpm. it (the x2) has a smoother delivery and off idle tourque is slightly better but its not a better cam overall. The X1 is not the same as the 8/07, it is however as close as you can get from an OEM KTM part# cam.

there are many posts here by Lineaweaver and Simon where the following description is used "like for like the LX1 profile is most similar to the stock 08 cam" sure the 2 cams are not the same but I agree with their statement.

you want to go find the posts and start an argument with them go right ahead.

you know whose stator was ruined in a plastic bag with no padding .. don't try and side step that one ..
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Spray stellite or tig ? The metallurgy is what matters, changes to the crystalline structure, importantly, the "butter" layer between the parent metal and coating.

WTF taffy ? Can you hold the cryptic riddles and tell us what you mean ?

you were recommending a 613 cam telling everyone it was just about the nearest thing to an LX1 and an LX2 cam. I can't find that comment now, withdrawn it have we?

Whaaaaaaaaat ?:pimp:

LSA is a hell of a thing.
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