390/450/570 race cam


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firstly, this was a regular thread \started by myself to announce that I was going to have some cams made. that should have been a mutually beneficial thing to everyone. alas, the thread yet again got hijacked by the UHE troll.

he didn't just put up a reply saying no, he was telling everyone all the other options! is that the way you do things if you are just making your point? no! not in bushies case!

This statement is false and is being used to make money on this site
really? so no businesses should come on here at all, no matter what they contribute because at the end of the day they offer a service and want to make a living? really?

so if that is true why do you promote any businesses here at all? of course people make money! its HOW you do it that matters! I have contributed tirelessly to this site over 13 years and half the tips and tricks have come from myself. I've done enough for the members here for them to know that there has been a net gain in their direction.

the main bearing thread was defined by enginehardwear and not you. that is a dealer selflessly giving free info. and what good does it do? people forget these things in seconds and take it for granted as if saying: "what a muppet - free info - yipee - phuq you MF"!

I posted proof that I was not the only one who lost money
I'm sure nobody made a profit!

absolutely no lies there
when can you tell Bushie's lying? when his lips move!

the few people who were very nicely to his lordships were "helped" when they were given one choice ..pay more money to get another "better" cam.
that is right, and the people who took that offer were very kind to me and I thank them now if they are reading this. I explained that I onmly had a small profit in these cams and was standing them on my own. that wouls have been a colossal loss.

thanks again all those that understood that the Husaberg race cam market is so small that the returns are poor! they worked with me so I could stay in business.

I was not offered this option .. mine was one of the first to go so I was only offered a replacement cam of the same quality as the ones that were failing.. no thanks

that's because I or 'we' thought that it was you the owner that was making the error initially. as a race cam you shouldn't have any cover but I decided to cover it. a race cam doesn't have a warranty. I can only go by the solid advice I'm given and make a call.

damage to the rest of the engines was not covered.
it never is I'm afraid. I doubt that other than a CFB as a safety precaution anyone said they had any other issues.

further .. not everyone was given this offer and some thought this offer was unsatisfactory and declined .. so they were not covered ie no refund.
nobody turned my offer down as I know. it's not unheard of to offer someone without a warranty a "deal". if you then think because you've been offered a 'deal' you have warranty then you're wrong. there is no warranty on a racing part, it was a road & TRACK cam.

if people know what to expect they can make up their own minds if that constitutes a satisfactory warranty ... or not.

when something goes wrong with a product and communication breaks down the right thing to do is just give the customer their money back .. it works every time and happens everyday in the real world. thereafter they literally have nothing to complain about.

and you won't get anywhere with your attitude! you're a pig simple as. I can't imagine you have any friends the way you deal with things.

I got what I deserved alright ....
no, I'd have removed yer bollocks if you'd got what you deserve!

fact is Bushie, you came back and attacked my business indirectly for three months, everyone here thought you were cute and that it was funny. for three months I shut up and the moderators did nothing.

as everyone now knows: we have no moderators. firstly if we had we would have both been split up and told to back off. you would have been banned again for your behaviour and I'd have been banned for my language.

but you should admit that you have targetted my business and let others choose whether they think that that is the right way to behave here? YOU VOWED TO BREAK MY BUSINESS and then retracted it didn'yt you. I'm not talking about targetting me for my mistakes but for everything.

non-stop 24/7 and you knew I was an easy target because I'm not meant to reply, a business is not meant to reply. any kind of reply is me being dragged down to "your level". your a troll and there are trolls and then there are trolls and boy are you a troll.

its sad that so many people have been happy to sit by and watch your behaviour. your signature is nothing but a moving advert for businesses that show you have an agenda.

you said that it was your intention to break my business. your a sick troll phuq and I will not sit quietly and let you do it.

as for the rest of you, you have sat by and thought this was funny. really funny but there are three people trying to scrape a living here and you only have a go at me after the first person.

like you Zaga, I called you weak. you are weak. when I had a problem with you I PM'd you.


it's clear to me from the silence in the year that he's been back that none of you have actually kept account of what he's been doing. not one of you. sure you all know when I''m hacked off with it because I swear at him, I want it to stop!

even if you say he has an agument this time how does that account for any thread I start mentioning stuff I have produced or designed that he comes along and wrecks the thread and none of you say a word! not one word!

I'm trying to keep Husabergs running and you lot just stand there watching it all! don't you have any repsonsibilty to say that his behaviour isn't wanted? or is it OK just to wreck every thread I start because if that is how you all feel than I don't know what....there's no future.

you have a responsibility. this isn't the bloody 'lord of the flies'.

do any businesses now come here? at all? no.

make your mind up lads. he has to get the phuq off everything I do and we need moderators. and you all need to understand that no business, let alone a small one like mine can back older Husabergs and take the kind of lies and crap he has been dishing out.

you seem to think that if I back off he would stop. he doesn't stop. I said nothing for the first three months, now it has to stop. no wonder they chucked him off - shame you lot don't wake up to it.

Hi Taffy

You can call me weak :D, I don't mind :D

I just want to congratulate you, agreeing or not with your arguments, you answered with arguments ... and that was always my point.

I guess you're starting to listen to my friendly advice. GOOD !

This is not taffmeisters.com and outside of advertising you should not overtly do business on the site.

I've seen a litany of abuse from you in 13 years that's all. Shall we look into your posts and count the number of members you have driven away ?

Nobody cares David, nobody gives a s**t that you gave away your secrets and sacrificed your business, your problem not ours if you don't have the business acumen to manage that.

It's the same is the site healthy ******** all over again.
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It's the same is the site healthy ******** all over again.

if you look at that thread and the opening statement you'll see that you and bushie have completely misrepresented it.

I'd encourage anyone to go and look at it and see how it is now being misrepresented.

you grossly exagerate also the "Taffmeisters.com" attitude. it is neither one extreme as you say or am I an angel in the other corner.

you seem to forget that there are very few Husabergs and you don't get it that these aren't KTMs.

the USA market is some 3 to 4 times that of the UK so a small business in the USA can look forward to being reasonably profitable without ever saying a word. also moderators throw anything like that off BECAUSE they know that a business doesn't need it.

If two people are interested in a cam that I'm considering having made then I'll have a crack at it. it makes all the difference.

do you want plastics? who is going to have a run of them made?

it seems to me you've fallen for a lot of other people's rubbish. I also see you don't give a ****.

if you use me, you get a warranty whatever happens. even if they don't support me as my cam grinder didn't when I had some made.

but I covered every single one.

I maintain that this statement of yours is is false, it is not an attack to point that out.

see again the testimonial from one of your UK customers

yeah, i had a cam which lasted 8 hours.. it was the high lift " supermoto/enduro" cam which apparently would not affect the running of the bike at all except for slightly rmp top end, and a slighlty more progressive power delivery... bollocks. this thing disintegrated after a few hours use and after 8 hours was when i stripped it all out to find what had happened. i lost out on a 2 day endoru because of this idiot, i had to buy even more bits as it was a full top end strip down to make sure everything was fine. took me 5 oil changes to get all the metal out of the engine from the cam...

this "husaberg expert" would ot even refund me the money for his screwed up product.

i even send the damaged cam off to a company and had it fully inspected and dave at taffmiesters still blamed me for putting the bearings on wrong....

i laughed at this, because he fitted the bearings on in his shop/ garden shed...

if you ever need anything, get the advice from dave clark racing, he DOES know about husabergs... where as that self proclaimed expert is just a useless idoit who works out of his garden shed...
Could you please both stop.
At your age you both should have learned that at some point, there is no point on going on.
Everyone has eared both sides arguments, so we are all grown up, so everyone has formed one opinion.
Thank you
Again you've missed the point, yes the thread started out as we all know but then you call me and some other people c*********s because you got called out for peddling an inferior product. Plain and simple that's a fact.

I'll not stand by and let you slander myself and my friends, futhermore, that type over here will get you an kicking, keyboard warrior.

A lot of people have tried to help you wih your perceived persecution issues but it's not enough for you, you are doing business in an open forum, you need to be prepared for negative experiences and respond accordingly, not twist off into a rage of insults and abuse.
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I belong to other forums and when topics get off course like this.. they delete the thread and pm the poster... if your trying to keep a forum together you can't have negativity like this it just drives members away ...see no swearing how about that eh ;)
Again you've missed the point, yes the thread started out as we all know but then you call me and some other people cocksuckers

no i didn't. you need to again read carefully what I wrote? maybe you can't read as well as you write but two mistakes in one column of one thread is some kind of new record surely?

two people and two mistakes.

I mean why bother with the truth right?

your saying I called you a ********** and I didn't nor anyone else except bushie. it's what HE IS DOING.

would you prefer "....to your mates".

so please - get it right OK?

secondly, the thread you talk of: 'is this site healthy'. read it. read the opening post. it isn't anything like you are saying.

now bushie
where did you get that unaccounted for quote? because unless you can back it up then I suggest that you MADE IT UP!!!!

and Bushie, I read your other thread that you put up.
you say you would never use a spray welded cam? have I got that right? what is wrong with it?

the LX2 and even the LX1 cam aren't anything like the 8/07 cam! what rubbish!

and when at the beginning of this thread you recommended that the two 570 owners go get a 8/07 cam, can I ask what you knew of the valve to piston gap just three days ago?

how certain are you that the 8/07 cam is a straight fit?

as usual you'll avoid my questions and change the subject by dragging in another hyperlink.....

all the time avoiding a direct question and just mud slinging!


have you not worked out the swearing system yet? surely anyone can see the system!

its called "fire" by any other name! when you get it let me know.....and then tell the moderator that you 'get it' OK?

I'm not sad, I'm not lonely, I have at least three mirrors to keep me company, a girlfriend and a dog! I'm not bipolar because you can only visit one pole at a time and everyone knows that!

Can't be sure I understand your incoherent ramblings but please, do continue. I can do his aaaaaall day long. After all I haven't got any reputation or face to lose and there's some more fact. Booyaa.;)

what is your IQ taffy?

now bushie

where did you get that unaccounted for quote? because unless you can back it up then I suggest that you MADE IT UP!!!! Taffy

its a pm from a UK member it is in my inbox can be traced to a genuine person via the IP attached to it. if anyone admin or moderator wants to see it I can forward it to them along with some others

a spray welded cam? what is wrong with it?

clearly they are crap ;)

the LX2 and even the LX1 cam aren't anything like the 8/07 cam! what rubbish!

never said is was ...but as you know the 8/07 is the closest one you used to be able to buy to the lx1

and when at the beginning of this thread you recommended that the two 570 owners go get a 8/07 cam, can I ask what you knew of the valve to piston gap just three days ago?

I didn't recommend an 8/07. alarka asked about the TR 570 cam i said one of their grinds (stage 4) is similar to the 8/07.

how certain are you that the 8/07 cam is a straight fit?

I didn't say it was .... but the TR 570 cam ALARKA asked about is designed to fit in the 570 .. if he is in negotiation with TR about a cam they will look after him, the finer points of the sale are nothing to do with me.

as usual you'll avoid my questions and change the subject by dragging in another hyperlink.....

all the time avoiding a direct question and just mud slinging!


no I made one point: the statement you made that you covered every single one of the failed cams is not true ..

doesn't matter how many pages of crap you write you can't get out of that one.

TR has already done all the development with the 570 engine years ago ...figuring out who to buy a cam off at this point is not difficult
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ALARKA ... thumper racings stage 4s are about the same as the 8/07 cam for the KTM 613 crate engine mentioned above, also web cams does a similar one for the 570.
page one half way down of this thread.



LOL ... WRONG!!!

you're too funny taffy ..



ALARKA asked a question that Taffy could not answer.. he doesn't know how his idea of lx1 lobes compares .. to the TR cams when used in the 570

Interesting I'm looking at a similar cam that Make used in his bike from Thumper racing how does yours compare I would rather by from you ;)

I know that one of TR cams is similar to the 8/07 so i shared the information so he could make a comparison ..useful only if in fact the TR 570 cam he was looking at is their stg4


ALARKA ... thumper racings stage 4s are about the same as the 8/07 cam for the KTM 613 crate engine mentioned above.

point 2;

Thumper racing cams are not spray welded rubbish


If you wish to engage me in a battle of wits my dear Taffy I suggest you make some attempt to arm yourself.

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point 2;

Thumper racing cams are not spray welded rubbish

but web cams are.
you just recommended a spray welded cam.

Thumper racing don't advertise a cam for a Husaberg at all and they don't even advertsie one for the 530 KTM or the derivatives that may have a similar top end.

I will be back to answer the other points but I just thought I'd let you all know the above.

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TR don't make a cam for a Husaberg, if they did it would be spray welded, Makke's is spray welded.

the original MX style cam is all he uses. however, he gave me a very useful tip on what to avoid if having a cam spray welded. because he did have trouble doing one. maybe it was someone's cam that we know..............

so, all the info you gave above is infact a lie.

it turns out that the cams he does can't have anymore than 9.5mm of lift. so all this:

I know that one of TR cams is similar to the 8/07 so i shared the information so he could make a comparison ..useful only if in fact the TR 570 cam he was looking at is their stg4

this looks like a recommendation to me....
TR has already done all the development with the 570 engine years ago ...figuring out who to buy a cam off at this point is not difficult

and defo a recomendo here too!
TR has already done all the development with the 570 engine years ago ...figuring out who to buy a cam off at this point is not difficult

and after all that...ITS ALL A LIE.

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In an email to me TR offer a stage 4 cam to my 570 for $425 (aug 27th 2014).

Husaberg 570 FE
"Add our hardweld performance cam for even more gains"

TR don't make a cam for a Husaberg, if they did it would be spray welded, Makke's is spray welded.

the original MX style cam is all he uses. however, he gave me a very useful tip on what to avoid if having a cam spray welded. because he did have trouble doing one. maybe it was someone's cam that we know..............

so, all the info you gave above is infact a lie.

it turns out that the cams he does can't have anymore than 9.5mm of lift. so all this:

this looks like a recommendation to me....


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