Bjorne broke his arm today, on a special test that is a dry, flat river bed, covered with "bowling balls". My wife talked to Roland to find the out the news, as we had heard he had went down, and was not seen on the route following the incident. I had heard that Joakim had won the test, but unsure of the final. Sad news for the Swedes.
Dust has been a huge issue, between the aspect of vision and air filters, teams have been pushed to keep the bikes maintained. A few unjuries, some bad luck mechanical failures, and lots of attrition. There are enough rocks in this párt of the country to keep life interesting as well.
Oh, and the earthquake registered a 4.0 here, the epicentre about 800 km north registering a 7.7 or so. <nothing damaged here but a few eye brows raised, and a little more attention paid to the tsunami routes which are marked away from all the seaside streets.