My bike seems to be very rich (or oily, but lets forget that option for now). So I look at the manual and see that there are various sizes according to whether its usa (easy, its not i live in england),' ECE' (whats that?) or 'enduro'.
Q1) I imagine the changes are emission driven - but can the main jet really be 110 for ECE and 200 for 'enduro'?
Q2) does the mixture screw control the air or the petrol. I've read many posts saying its the petrol, but the delorto manual i have seems to say it the air?
Taffy, are these settings likely to be suitable for my bike?
200MJ, DR266, K35 needle on C1, 40PJ, 3.25mm slide cutaway, 45 choke jet, PS = 1-turn = Sea level (Taffy)
Thanks in advance.
Q1) I imagine the changes are emission driven - but can the main jet really be 110 for ECE and 200 for 'enduro'?
Q2) does the mixture screw control the air or the petrol. I've read many posts saying its the petrol, but the delorto manual i have seems to say it the air?
Taffy, are these settings likely to be suitable for my bike?
200MJ, DR266, K35 needle on C1, 40PJ, 3.25mm slide cutaway, 45 choke jet, PS = 1-turn = Sea level (Taffy)
Thanks in advance.