Well, I've actually been trying to sell this bike locally with not much luck. (I picked up a 2002 Husky TE570 that runs killer)
In the meantime I've been digging into its issues a little more.
The auto decomp is not working at all so I removed the rocker cover and didn't immediately see anything really wrong. The decomp itself looks okay and the spring retracts albeit it feels rather weak.
I don't have anything to gauge what I'm looking at but it doesn't seem like the part that is supposed to lift the roller off the lobe sticks up hardly at all.
I do know one thing--I need a camshaft.

The intake lobe is pitted to heck on the trailing side of the lobe.
Everything else looks really nice. It still has the factory aluminum cam sprocket and conical valve springs.
I want to see if I can get this thing running with the current stator by getting the auto decomp to function as it should.
When I spin the engine over by the e-start with the plug out, it gets a killer blue spark. I'm hoping that if the decomp works, it will spin over fast enough to light off.
If it does, then I'll more than likely send the stock FC stator over to Taffy for a rewind.
Anyone have a nice camshaft and/or a decomp set-up they'd care to part with?