Well, I simply ran a hose from the top of the radiator overflow drip, passed it on the right side along the electric cabling, used few blue zip ties to attach it all together in a nice looking bundle, then through the rear mud guard (drilled it for the occasion) and into the water bottle which is attached to the sub-frame. I had to drill two holes in a part that looks like a fin, and used some Delrin bushings to keep it away from the tire. The bottle itself has an overflow, for the air. Run that hose like you want. Because it can also drip coolant, better keep it away from the tire.
Berger sold me this kit, which he bought from somebody else. It was apparently made out of a Yamaha bottle. I can tell, because the bottle is the same on my WRF. The bushing and hose I could recognize came from Ace.
And yes, the coolant is sucked back in as long as there is no air in the tube. If there is any air, it will be gone soon.
I'll take some better photos one of these days, promise. I have a lot of photos to take.