I've kept it stock apart from some protection bits, just put a bash/pipe guard on to try keep my pipe longer! I did add a ONE light clutch, probably the best mod I've made on a bike so far.
I originally bought it for motocross/fast single, but find I ride slower than ever on this thing, trying to learn trials techniques with a mate and really enjoying it!
Started with KTM's in 1998. Raced a 98 250EXC, 03 450EXC, 05 450 XC, 06 450 XC. Worked at a dealer as a four-stroke tech for awhile. Currently racing the FX450 Berg and work on my brother's Husky 310 and a nephew's Husky 125.
KTM 640 LC4 1999, brought new Dec 1998
over 11 years 16 000 kms road & scrubbs ride
poor photo cause me camara was crap was suppose to buy brand new 08 FE 650 when release had other commitement at time
Now... thinking buying brand new Husqv 500 or berg.. undecide atm
Just joined this forum, what a treasure trove of info! 2010 fx450, 2012 ktm sxf350, 2014 Husky te300, sorry, no pics. Best part of these bikes is all the interchangeable parts!
1969 Husqvarna 400 Cross
Totally original. including Bing side float carb. tank, Buffo bolts etc
Bought it of a collector 2 years ago, it has just recently had a full engine rebuild.
Have a 1986 Husqvarna WR400 and a 1987 Husqvarna 510 rebuilding it both real Swedish Husqvarna's. Had a 1984 WR250 most reliable Motorcylcle I ever had also a 1976 CR125 raced motocross with it. Love Swedish engineering.