I have the same bike.I just bought super moto rims for my bike.i haven't got them yet,but I was told they should fit.they are off an o4 ktm 525 sx.I guess in 03 ktm and husaberg went to a larger front axel
hope this helps
KTM changed rear hubs I think in 09?or 08. So you can get the older ones that was spare from a KTM guys for cheap.
Try to get a 06 or newer the hubs are built better. Munn racing has a deal for a new set or used.
Don't know where you're from but I have a rear wheel for sale 150 euro obo + shipping, I'm located in Belgium, if you're interested let me know I'll look up how much shipping would be.
KTM go to big front axle pin
Husaberg stay small
Husaberg go big front pin.
all along the rear axles are the same. someone once said that the rear wheels work OK the other way round and I've not heard any complaints coz when it went wrong all the owners dieded slowly.....
so you can go back as far as you like for the rear wheel