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  1. H

    LED Turn Signals

    I purchased DRC MOTOLED 602 Signals. 12Volt with Orange Lends So I unplugged the current signals and plugged these ones in, from what I was told is that they would flash very fast. But these are doing nothing. Plug in the old ones they work fine, LEDs not working at all. The only signals...
  2. F

    Need help: Motor will not turn and water in oil

    Hi folks, i need your help. I have the chance to buy my second Husaberg. It's an FE550 from 2004. The motor is broken down. It will not turn and there is water (i guess from the cooling system) in the oil. Has anyone an idea what could it be ? I like to buy the bike and fix it.......but i...
  3. B

    E Start wont turn over why?

    Just put in valve springs in my FS650 2004(without removing head) now wont start on e start ,but will if you kick it over. E start sounds like it is turning over with decomp lever pulled in but wont if you dont pull lever in. This only started after first ride after valve springs went in any...
  4. F

    Has anyone tried a 1/4 turn throttle?

    Hi all, I maybe alone on this one but I find the throttle a bit of a long twist. I have used 1/4 turn throttles before on my old RD350LC and RGV250 many years ago and found them much easier. They take a bit of getting used to, feels like a switch at first, but you can get the power on quicker...
  5. pollo

    Has anyone heard about the1/4 turn out on valves

    Just wondering if anyone has heard of this method. Iv'e done them this way because my dealer advised it. I just did them at 1/6th out because thats alot of what ive hearing about them. It seems to run great and the idle went a little lower as expected. Seems a little less noisy also in the...
  6. H

    2005 Fs650 won't turn over after adjusting valves!

    Hi, hope someone can please help! I had a bad running problem at 1/4 throttle so stripped and cleaned out the carb and found loads of dirt so fully cleaned out the whole carb blew it through and put it all back together, while I was there I adjusted my valves as I had yet to do it after...
  7. D

    some new turn signals

    I also replaced the tail w/1157 jam strait l.e.d. looks cool when illuminated also draws 1/10 th the power
  8. fish

    Is it advisable to turn off the fuel between rides?

    I have an ongoing issue with bad and hot starting ('02 FS650). All the usual bits are done like rockers etc. When running it runs and pulls well :D While out the other weekend after persevering starting it (30 mins kicking) it fired. Then after the first stop it took another 10 mins to...
  9. D

    turn signals on the 07

    check out the badass aluminium led turn signals I have been eying since I decided to get the berg
  10. E

    Turn signals....

    Should the turn signals and horn work when the engine is off? Everything plugged into the new euro harness.... just wondering Thanks Vern
  11. S

    Does 07 FS650 come with turn signals?

    As the title asks, does the 07 FS650/550 come from the factory with signals, brake lights etc... What about a key? I know it is not "street legal" but it would pass an inspection if it had these parts.
  12. Cord

    Quick turn throttle

    First of all hello!!! I've recently bought a 2001 400 and chuffin love it!! I mainly use it for super moto, but do have some enduro wheels as well. But I have a bad wrist and struggle to get full throttle without getting a second hand full. does anybody do quick turn throttles for Husabergs?
  13. JoeUSA

    Turn Indicator light bulbs

    Hi all, If you are trying to replace the '10W 12814 Philips 12V 10W (E1) 2BF France E32' bulb in your Euro turn indicators, there is an after market bulb made by General Electric for use on big rig trucks that is a perfect retrofit, for $1.50 US. The bulb is part number 1155. They are sold...
  14. H

    Why we should not turn our Husaberg's up-side down

    Ok I know there is a thread for this but I could not find it. A week ago I twisted my ankle and while descending a steep and very rutty hill today I got the bike sideways and fell, not once but twice right after one another. Now with my sore ankle I have something else than my riding skills...