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  1. C

    How tall is the tall seat?

    I keep reading about the tall seat option for the 09 Hus...how many inches taller is it than standard, no one every seems to say!
  2. S

    Tall seat cover?

    I ripped my Husaberg Tall Seat and cant seem to find a cover that will fit. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks Scotty
  3. S

    Tall seat for my FE550

    Has anyone purchased a tall seat? I have a '07 FE550 and would like to buy one but don't know where to go or how much they cost. Preferably within Australia if possible. Thanks.
  4. F

    Guts Racing Seat Tall Foam advice.

    Hi guys, Soft or Medium foam in the tall seat? I am average height guy about 5ft 7inches and 90Kg in weight (Chunky). I was thinking getting tall seat and soft foam as it might give me a cushier seat. Anyone have these and what are your thoughts...?
  5. K

    Tall Seats

    I have a customer that has a '01 650FE and wants a tall seat. Will the one in the accessory catalog that says it's for an '03 - '07 work? Thanks. Fritz
  6. mark550fc

    Tall Seat?

    How much taller is the tall Husaberg seat? Is it the same or harder or softr? Can you buy a stock blue cover for the 05 models and make it fit? Thanks,
  7. R

    What is the price is on the tall seat from husaberg hardpart

    again, anyone know the list price for Tall the seat from husaberg?
  8. whosahberg

    tall seat

    if you want to improve your berg , and you are 6ft tall or 1.8 m . explore the tall seat option , it makes a huge difference . thanks to taffy for making me aware of this . u da man taff :iagree:
  9. mark550fc

    Tall Seat

    Can you get a tall seat with the 05 blue seat cover material to cover it from anybody? Thanks,
  10. Taffy

    tall seat-go faster goodie?

    i have to tell you that i used a tall seat foam today which came to me used for just £35. it's a husey OEM part and i loooovvveeeddd it 8) 8) i found myself rolling into corners and instead of losing a little control as i sat, i was in control as i still had my feet working. i did...