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  1. S

    fe600 speedo cable 2000 model

    G'day all, Need a speedo cable to get my bike road registered. Are these a one off hard to find part? Hoping they are interchangeable with newer ktm part or something easier to aquire.
  2. G

    speedo connector type

    Hi, does anyone know the brand or type off connectors used on the 2008 speedo ? (the 4 pin connector that are supposed to go to the "tripmaster switch") Br Martin
  3. F

    FE390 2 blank wire connectors from speedo

    Well, I put some 25mm handle bar risers on tonight, I am 6 ft tall, and these seem great. Whilst wresting putting the bars back on the risers, I noticed a 3 pin connector seperated. I took the front headlight asembly off, and saw a 4 pin AND a 3 pin terminator dangling not connected, coming...
  4. A

    Husaberg speedo ID

    Guys and Gals, Does anyone know what model and year this came from and where I could get the wiring diagram from?
  5. B

    speedo wheel diameter.

    I believe 04 speedo's can have the wheel diameter changed by the abuser. (from 17-21 or vica versa) I cant find any reference to this in my manual. Can anyone enlighten me as to how to do this please? Then I can keep using my original speedo when I fit my motard wheels.
  6. S

    speedo connector

    anyone know were to get replacements.
  7. R

    speedo pick up

    I need a magnetic speedo pick up for my front rotor on a fs650c. I cant find it in the brake, electrical, or wheel fische :angry: a part number would be great or if a ktm one would work would be even better
  8. M

    Speedo / Clocks Can someone help ?. :)

    Hi Guy's I'm having a problem with my Speedo and hope someone can help me out ?. here we go. When i wheel the bike or just push it to move it the Speedo comes on no problems i can do this 10 or 20 times a day all works fine. But as soon as i start riding the bike guess what no Speedo, if I...
  9. gregfreefaller

    which speedo should it be fitted with

    hi guys may have bought a bit of a duffer berg here, it is fitted with a old style mechanical type of speedo an milage counter, it is a 2003 f650 supermoto should this not be fitted with the digital style one??
  10. W

    03 FE speedo

    I have 03 FE 400e with digital speedo. When i roll the bike it fires up and shows all kind of options on the sides of screen like lap times, then shows miles and at last hours but that's all i can get shown on the screen. I searched for the button to try all those options that appear for a...
  11. N

    '03 digital speedo on a '02

    Anybody done it? Is there a cable coming out from the '03 speedo that one can modify, or does it just have a socket on the back? Cheers Nikos
  12. C

    How accurate is your speedo?

    Went to a disused airfield today to practice wheelies and a few of my mates were trying top speed runs lol. My mates Iphone has a thing which records your top speed with GPS. I tried mine and went to 103mph on the clocks (FS450e) and shut off. Only used half the runway if that which is 1/2...
  13. H

    Speedo Working Oddly

    Today the speedo flashed off, and when I turned it back on it had some sorta of code that read "na 15" or "ra 15" Something like that, the clock changed to be about 5 hours ahead, maximum speed changed to some other figure like 87km/s, trip meter I think is the same cannot remember, I know...
  14. C

    Speedo Problems

    Hi, Basically my speedo isn't registering that the wheel is moving. It still turns on and everything works as normal except the speed (and miles obviously). It will stay off while I'm riding so its getting no signal from the wheel what so ever. It all started after I washed it (only...
  15. N

    Speedo and electrical issues..

    Hi all. I have a 2004 Fe450e with only 80 hours on the hour meter. Now, here is the issue. I tried starting it and it cranked over then just clicked, the battery was dead. Well, I thought it was the battery. Anyway, I disconnected the battery and took it out. Shortly before that my enduro...
  16. tazer

    09 speedo battery

    Hello everybody, :idea: The speedo battery in my 09 570 was already flat when I got the bike! The speedo would not turn on without the engine running. The replacement battery is a 3V CR 2430 located in a compartment under the speedo unit. All re-set the clock and all seemed OK. I...
  17. M

    Help needed, Setting Speedo

    Hi Guy, Help needed. I have just put some 17in wheels into my Berg, down from 21in and i have heard there is a way to reset the speedo for these new size wheels. The beast threw me off the beginning of the year, And i wont be able to ride Enduro for another 4 months, So this is the only way to...
  18. S

    Trail Tech Magnet bolt vrs HB magnet for speedo pickup

    has anyone got the factory speedo to work with a Magnet in the rotor Bolt vrs the factory magnet. I'm building up second set of rims, after market brake rotor has no hole for the magnet and was wondering if the Trail Tech bolt set up would work. Or has anyone setup a trailtech speedo and...
  19. M

    speedo cable

    this speedo is doing my head in and yes i no i should get a digital one but i want to keep the beast as original as pos, ive fit the cable numerous times but icant get it to work the trip works fine but no speedo i took the head off and the cable turns when i spin the wheel, its the second head...
  20. N


    anyone knows when the magnet in the brakedisc is gone on a fs650e 2004 and the speedo dosent turn on when driving does it still reed the hours...? David Sørensen