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  1. P

    broken screw?!

    i really can't *@!# believe this! really don't know the english term but..the screw with the magnet on it, i can't screw o unscrew it anymore. it just turns endlessly. tried turning and pulling it but no way. it just turns :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: what should i do?
  2. Taffy

    tickover screw relocated

    just a simple lil mod forthose with an idle that crosses the bike to face the exhaust! regards Taffy
  3. spanner

    mixture screw right in!

    fs650e, 148 main jet, Dales needle clip position 1 up from supplied position. pilot fuel jet 48, Adjustable pilot air 1 turn out, have tried 1 1/2 turns, same. Akro exhaust, carb bored 43mm, 38mm inlet valves, 32mm exhaust valves, port work done, LX1 cam. With motor running I can...
  4. M

    03 501 delorto pilot screw adj???

    my bike wont idle well unless i give it only 1/4 to 1/2 turn on the pilot screw. according to my manual it should be 1 1/2. it has standard jetting on the delorto. i know the pilot is for idle bottom end...........but what i want to know is if it adds to the main? ie.. is the fuel/air...
  5. Taffy

    jet screw in crank loose?

    the screw in the left-hand end of the crank has been loose on a couple of occasions but luckily the thread halps it to stay in. it has two flat faces for a special spanner and a jet through it is deliberatley small just to slow the oil pressure. There is another in the big end pin where the...
  6. K

    Fuel screw debacle

    I've been fighting a strange issue with an FCR39 that I've been attempting to fit to my '03 FE400. Well, after several attempts I'd all but given up for a while. The only thing I hadn't given a go was putting in an OEM fuel screw. Well, I had an OEM fuel screw in my container of jets-n-stuff...
  7. L

    Rekluse top screw removal advice?

    Alright, the Rekluse kit comes with a Torx bit and that is what I used to screw the 3mm Torx screws at the top. After putting the bike together I realized the stupid kick start recoil spring had come off (I should have checked before putting the clutch back on, I know). So I tried to...
  8. I

    air bleed screw on cyl head

    Hi All. Had the head off to fix a dodgy valve guide and noticed a water jacket air bleed screw between the exhaust ports. Are there any others? Cheers Phil.
  9. squizz

    Needle Retaining Screw

    I have decided to do a bit of maint on the little berg. This mainly came about when i noticed the head bearings were shot. I have pulled the carb of to see if i can fix its nasty problem of low bog, popping and farting and being very hesitent and basically unrideable at or around the 1/4...
  10. R

    small allen screw under engine

    when I washed my bike the other day ,I found a small screw under engine that it spins endlessly up and down.What is it for?what s the right position? thank you wery much!
  11. D

    mixture screw

    hi should the bike run if the mixture screw is in all the is a fc550 with dellorto carb.all the jets and internals of the carb are as the book says.the bike starts well from cold about 3rd or 4 th kick and runs great with the mixture screw out 2 and 1/2 turn out.when the engine is...
  12. T

    Valve adjustment screw replacements

    Hi! I have an old (veteran?) 350 Husa from -92 that has been converted to a 400. The 89-95 Husa's has a valve adjustment screw that is solid, without any "elephant foot" as the -96 and newer bikes have. When checking with the Husa-parts shops around the original 89-95 screws (part no 200...
  13. Ady

    Dellorto mixture screw, no washer & rubber seal

    Dellorto gurus ! When trying to set my mixture and idle screws, the smoothest running is with the mixture screw all the way in. I notice the little washer and rubber is missing and wondered if that could be the reason. Please advise Regards Ady
  14. S

    Stator screw size

    I was lucky enough to have a stator screw back out and break off. Another backed out some, and the third held on. Needless to say, I need to get some more screws, among other things. Anyone know offhand the screw length? (98 fee501) I see in the parts manual 5x30, I'm assuming this is the...
  15. L

    Valves adjustment screw turns endlessly

    Something bizarre when I try to adjust the valves. I have it at TDC, on the compression stroke. I know because I watched the valves go up and down and also there is no slack in the decomp cable. Adjusting the intake valves was easy. Did the 1/3 turn out. But the exhaust valves, for some...
  16. bigV

    Screw on the cylinder head (left side)

    Hi guys, I was wondering if someone knows what this screw is (please see the attachment, red arrow). It seem to be loose, but cannot be tightened or unscrewed. It seems to sit on a spring washer or something. A little oil seems to come out of there when the engine it running (tiny amount...
  17. O

    remote mixture screw

    hi guys, long ago i replaced my old vhsb 38 with an phm 40 sd in my 95 fe 600. i have a problem with the mixture and the idle speed screw, they are located at the right side of the carb where they are totally covered by the fuel tank. i have to partially remove the tank so as to adjust the...
  18. rgrant

    98 fe400e air bleed screw

    I can't find the air bleed screw on the head of my 98 fe400e. Is there one and if so where is the darn thing? The manual says nothing about it. Thanks, Roger
  19. volvonut

    Did I screw it up?

    I have taken everyones advice and decided to work with what i've got instead of replacing all three springs for heavier ones. So here goes, I started with the shock and noticed that the lock rings were at the very top. The bike would sag about 2 inches under it's own weight. I started turning...
  20. J

    Seat Screw -works loose

    I have noticed that the seat screw works it way out (a few turns) after about 20 miles. I have thought about something (velcro/zip tie) that could go thru the loop and attach to the rear fender. I guess I could use locktite or some silicone. Anyone else have this problem and determined a...