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  1. R

    Screen Saver

    Gday all !!! im looking for a really good Berg screen saver. looking for sites or your own pics, thanks !
  2. C

    Oil Screen Question

    Geeez--Not thinking (which seems to be an everyday occurance anymore) it mattered I did not notice which end of the oil screen faced in or out. After cleaning and inspection I found the screen to have a consistent OD as opposed to a taper of the ID. Logic tells me narrower ID end facing out...
  3. L

    Debris in oil screen, what to expect?

    I found debris in the oil screen, last time I dropped the oil, and I only had one ride on this oil. I dropped it to work on the rocker cover (other thread, thanks for everybody's help, by the way). Last time there were no debris. This time, a few shiny particles, but only in the oil screen...
  4. volvonut

    Looking for an oil filter to replace the screen.

    My '97 FE600E has only an oil SCREEN and a magnetic drain plug. I am trying to find out if an oil filter exists to replace my screen for obvious better filtering. Is there a way that one for a newer Berg can be fitted?Any info would be appreciated. Thank you. Volvonut
  5. T

    Aluminum flakes in screen.

    I did my oil change today and found flakes of aluminum on the oil screen. The bike has 30 hours aprox. total. I change the oil every 4-5 hours or after a hard days ride. These flakes are as goes: 3-about .030 across 5-about .020 across about 20-25 .001-.003 in size. Could these be...