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  1. M

    2010 fe 390 2nd ride

    went to Hungry Valley in So California. It had rained the day before, conditions were great and so was the bike. I rode trails, sand, rocky stuff . It went everywhere I pointed it, no hesitation about 50 miles. FI was great, super smooth. suspension handled great. Tight , turny steep...
  2. A

    My first ride on my FE450 2010

    I have been a 2 stroker for a while and have a 2009 WR250 Husky, then i test rode a FE450 and fell in love. here's my first ride vid with the new bike [youtube:1vlu3qh1]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYdVidYn8go[/youtube:1vlu3qh1]...
  3. N

    New ride.

    Got it today, not been out on it yet, itchin to get it dirty!
  4. cheeseberger


    Hello All So I'm riding up the gravel road outa Crested Butte South minding my own business, and this KAMIKAZE Gunnison Sage Grouse flys out of the bushes. This surely drugged up LOON is heading right for my front wheel, which is already in the air mind you, as I'm sure most of you know that...
  5. N

    USA Baltimore local ride. 21144

    Looking to put a ride together a local ride for Friday. Todd 443.538.8633
  6. P

    So, what does constitute a reasonable ride?

    Can't seem to shake the comments made by the dealer I collected the 'Berg from recently in relation to ride length and type - getting the impression that anything more than a few miles of motorway/freeway cruising in top gear will cause systematic engine death! I'd really like to venture...
  7. B

    Great ride yesterday... Binned it too!

    So have had my Berg fs650e for about two months and have done 1500klms of fantastic riding, plenty of mountains and twisties. Today went for a ride in the gold coast hinterland.Started off riding from Brissy to Jimboomba and had some breaky. Then rode through Cunungra and clagiraba, onto...
  8. M

    Seattle And Eastern Washington Ride Vid

    My first attempt with Sony Vegas 9 and the helmet cam. All the wet and wooded stuff is Seattle and the sand is in eastern WA. (KTM 250 EXC and FE 570) [vimeo:1ne6g1fe]http://vimeo.com/14509878[/vimeo:1ne6g1fe]
  9. D

    High Altitude Ride

    I have a ride planned next month in New Mexico. The lowest point starts at 7000ft and some of it will go above 11000ft. Just wondering if anybody has had any experience with these altitudes as far as the fuel injection goes. I have a 09 570 but it has been reflashed with the 10 map. Any...
  10. R

    where to ride in northwest england

    just wondering where any of you ride in the northwest of england. only started riding on the road 3 months ago n wouldnt mind knowing some good routes
  11. D

    Weekend ride in New Brunswick, Canada (East Coast)

    Just passing along some photos of an adventure I was on yesterday... out around the East Atlantic coast in New Brunswick, Canada yesterday. My 2002 FC550, a couple of 2010 FE570s, a KTM450 and a KTM200(XC-W?). We were just exploring some new areas... came across a lot of rocks, roots, big...
  12. K

    Force Ride 4

    So.... I noticed there was some traffic a while back discussing FR4... I hadn't seen anything new recently regarding FR4 so I figured I pose the questions - When, where, et. al... :D As for me.... I thought Gunnison, CO was the bees knees. I hear there's more trail just like we rode w/...
  13. K


    I Have been having alot of people wanting to come and check out more trail but not wanting to wait another year. Also the MOTO CROSS DES NATIONS WILL BE 3HRS AWAY!
  14. D

    Force Ride 3 Shirts

    It has come to my attention that some of you may want to purchase Force Ride 3 shirts. If this is so please let me know and I will put together an order. I will get pricing for the shirts, and of course there will be shipping as well. Thanks, Dale
  15. S

    First ride on my 570

    First ride on the 570 was great!!!. I came off a 05 YZ450 setup with rekluse for the woods that gives you an idea of what I was on before. First off we started the day loading the 3 bikes into the back of the truck one 05 yz450 and a 05 CRF450 just moving the bikes around the 570 felt like a...
  16. J

    tip: ride in portugal, test al the new bergs and be happy

    Hi guys, just came back from a trip from the algarve in portugal. http://Algarve-offroad.com has a setup there with 6 new generation husabergs, the 390, 450 and 570. So if you just want some fun and/or curious about these bikes, go check 'em out there! The owner, known here as dustbite so i'm...
  17. P

    Uneven ride from front wheel/suspenion

    Hello everyone, first post on UHE. I own an 05 Fe 501 which had a new rim and tire fitted last summer. When riding the bike on tarmac I get a bouncy undulating cyclic movement through the forks. I guess this is an issue either with the rim or tire. However I wondered if there may be other...
  18. Z

    First ride FC501

    I am new to dirt bikes and this is my first ever dirt ride! I simply can't describe the feelings and my excitement hits the sky! I just can't wait for winter to come and unfortunately it's a long long summer here in Rhodes
  19. plumbbob

    UK Force ride 2011

    Evening all, not sure if its been suggested before but what about a UK force ride? Enjoyed reading about FR3 last year and now the Aussies are sorting their ride so would be a good a time to get something sorted before the newly arrived sun buggers off again. What do you reckon guys, if we wait...
  20. H

    dual sport ride fuel milage

    Weather warmed to 70/75F degrees, though I would ride my 010 570 as a dual sport Bike worked absolutely great and the fuel mileage was incredible with some self control of the throttle I'm been running 14/50 sprockets, desert riding, this winter since the bike was new in late December I run a...