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  1. M

    Chain repair kit question - 08/450

    sorry for the dumb question, but if you seen some of my other posted you know by now that I'm a total newbie. I want to have some kind of Chain repair kit with me while riding. 1.what chain comes on the bike? X-ring? how can I tell? 2.What replacement master link ? I saw all kinds but don't...
  2. B

    Is there anyone who´s tried to repair a flywheel?

    Ok, so this is the situation! My magnets has left the flywheel! As the subject says.... has anyone tried to repair it? or do I have to find a "new" one? /Rikard
  3. H

    03 FE501 engine repair manual

    Hey all I trying to hunt down an engine repair manual for my 03 fe501e. Can anyone help. Cheers
  4. J

    Repair manual for 09 450 570

    i have the repair manual in adobe pdf form i can send it to anyone that requires it, just email me at, [email protected] and i will forward it to you johny
  5. C

    Can you purchase the repair CD

    I saw it on Ebay from an Aussie seller... Can you purchase it in the US?
  6. G

    Sprague, new? repair? mod? price?

    Right so it looks like I need a new starter sprague but I have been Reading about a mod for it, what does this involve or do I just need a new sprague? If so has anyone got the part number, price and where I can get them? Am I also right in thinking I just need to remove the clutch and then...
  7. R

    2009 repair manual fe 570 wanted

    i have tried everywhere on the net to download 4 free but keep getting railroaded into paying 4 it,if anyone can help please send info thanks
  8. W

    CDI repair questions

    As you may know i have non working CDI. I found a schematic for some CDI on internet and i got it assembled today. I connected it to a Yamaha HT coil and it gives a beautiful bright 1 cm spark but when i try it on bike it won't start... a Here are pictures of my home made CDI unit 8)...
  9. fe600racer

    motor repair holder

    has any one used the berg motor holding bracket, or have they made their own. Any photos or plans?
  10. S

    Repair Manual for 2009 models

    I'm very angry for not having repair manual so long after I bought my new 2009 FE450! I cannot imagine why Husaberg do not update their web site with the new repair manual and spare parts. Do I miss something?
  11. H

    How to repair a dent in alu tank?

    Hi, I have a small? dent in my alu tank. (will post pictures as I get my bluetooth driver fixed) The dent is on the rear right hand corner of the side wall. 18mm deep. The dented area is roughly 120x120 mm. Is heat and pressure applicable? Any ideas?
  12. petbro1

    clutch repair

    hello chaps, not been here for a while, bought a nice old 501, 1993 or 94. not sure. but the clutch is slipping alot once past 2nd open her up and it slips, i have ordered the new friction plates but have never done a clutch before. i have the manual from here so can follow that to a degree, but...
  13. schwim

    I'm here to purchase my Husaberg repair manual download

    Hey there guys, It should go without saying, but for safety's sake, if anyone thinks the 'tard selling the Berg repair manuals on eBay is a good Samaritan, please be aware that you can get these files for free from the official website. thanks, json
  14. P

    Weep hole leak repair

    I think i have read most of the topics on this subject but just wanted to make sure i was on the right track. I have oil leaking from the weep hole on the water pump housing. If i am correct this is due to failure of the 'O' ring on the water pump shaft? I have read about oil level being very...
  15. 3

    Wanted 2006 FS650C parts manual and repair manual

    Done a quick search, and can get the manulas for up to the 04 model year but I need it for the 06 model with the 628cc engine can anyone point me to an online source or is anyone willing to post me a copy on CD or email it many thanks Just bought an 06 with WDS Air suspension, full...
  16. G

    Repair book engine 98 ?

    Hello of people I greets you all I drives a Husaberg FE600 Bj.98 and needs repair a book for the engine kan me someone helps thanks greeting Piet Hallo Leute ich grüße euch alle ich Fahre eine Husaberg FE600 Bj.98 und brauche ein Reperatur Buch für den Motor kan mir jemand helfen...
  17. wotan23

    Repair manual for an 2001 Husaberg?

    Hey All, I have to setup my timing chain, because of this im looking for a repair manual of an 2001 husaberg. I got one repair manual for an 2005 model but the timing sprocket looks not equal so that the maual couldn't be used. Or an description how to setup the timing chain from gear...
  18. T

    repair manual

    Hi, Guys Can anyone tell me where i can purchase a husaberg fs650 repair manual? Am struggling to find one!!!! :? cheers folks :)
  19. acyr

    Repair Manual for 2004 FS650E?

    Is there repair manuals availlable for the FS650E ? Thanks Andre
  20. K

    Buying tools for engine repair

    Hi. In parts manual is a number of tools that one should use for repairing his Husaberg: pullers, holders, ... So, I wanted to buy a crankcasse puller at our dealer in Slovenia, but they do not want to sell it to me. They said that they are not allowd to sell tools for engine repairs...