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  1. C

    2008 price

    Anyone know how USA/ Canadian prices compare for 2008 Bergs?
  2. A

    Reasonable Price On Leftover 06 FE550??????????

    Hey ya'll, I seriously looking into a FE550 and I found a dealer nearby with 2 leftover new 2006 FE550's. What kinda price should I be expecting to pay? I found another dealer willing to sell a 07 fe550 for $9450+fees (canadian monies, of course, I think these days thats about $8600usd.)...
  3. D

    Price Check on Aisle 2 Pistons

    I was wondering what I should be paying for a #2 piston and ring kit for an 02 Berg 650? Local dealer was quoting me $365....seems high, but I have nothing to compare this to. How bout others.....input please. Darrin
  4. J-S


    What should I look for an otd price on the 07 fs650e?
  5. A

    Handlebars - fat with a fat price @!!

    Would like to know what are the best bars. I have had a few bends and my thinking is it doesn't matter how good the bars are they are still going to bend ?? Problem is I have Tag (Fat Bars) and even a drop in 1st gear has caused them to bend.
  6. S

    Price in USA, England, Europe for a FC(~05 650) end cap

    Hi guys, I was just wondering if any of you knew the price of the FC muffle end cap that would fit a 05 650. As I am looking to convert my FS650e pipe into a straight through FC pipe for a bit more flow. I can get the end cap in Aus, but its Aus$100. If its like US$20, it would be worth...
  7. L

    Best price on a 07 Fe650?

    Hey guys anyone know where I can get the best deal on a 06 or 07 Fe650? I am in Socal but will travel to save $$$$
  8. lgrant525

    New 05 fe450 price?

    Hello all! Husaberg newbe here. What would you pay for a brand new 05' FE450 from your local dealer? The retail price hanging on the bike is $7,498. It's been difficult seeing that bike sitting on the showroom floor for two years and I am considering making them an offer. What do you think...
  9. O

    cdi price

    hi folks, does anybody knows the price for a new cdi unit for an earlier husaberg 600? not the stator, i am talking for the red box which includes a printed circuit board, a capacitor and the ignition coil. thanks in advance
  10. M

    Price for 05 FS650E?

    Im thinking of taking the plunge and was wondering if a brand new 05 FS650E for $7800 is a good price? What is the take on the lowest I could find one for? what is the dealer paying for this thing? I saw a thread here for an 05 650C for $5900. Could a dealer fit all the parts needed to make...
  11. R

    What is the price is on the tall seat from husaberg hardpart

    again, anyone know the list price for Tall the seat from husaberg?
  12. H

    Price Question---- for a 2005 FE550--new

    Curious what going prices are on left over 2005 FE 550? Most dealers are pretty firm on the 06s, still fresh in the year, and fair enough to be expected. Just curious what you have all seen or been quoted. Got the itch, better half has no issues with a Berg in garage.... :D...
  13. R

    Is this a good price?

    hey all, (first let me say to dan@motoxotica that I don't mean to cheat on him :oops: but i think that this dealer can take a hit on the profit easier than dan. IF, big if,i buy from here, i promise I will still come to you for parts!) :) but I was in a local shop looking at a few bergs...
  14. Jean-yves

    price of a stator SEM

    hi all, is someone known the price of a new stator ignition SEM on my 400fe( year97)?
  15. SpokaneRR

    Leftover '04 FS450e price question...

    Local stealer has one left, they're asking $6400 plus frt/set up. of $300. I'll not pay freight/set up is $6400 a screaming deal? Thanks in advance. J
  16. oldberger

    Mid Life Price List

    I think I'm having a bit of a mid life prices. :( 1 sump plug - £12 2 rocker bearings - £34 2 rad shroud decals - £20 1 air filter - £8 not forgetting to add 17.5 pence per pound to keep the tax man happy. I can see owning a Berg is going to be a love - hate relationship...
  17. B

    Price of a 05´ FE550

    Hi guys, I´m thinking about buying either a 05´ KTM EXC525 or a 05´ Berg FE550. I have now a really good offer on the KTM...6.900$ in the crate without tax........I´m wondering what you guys paid for your Husabergs´?!? I´m located in SoCal near L.A.....maybe somebody can...