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  1. 3

    Wanted 2006 FS650C parts manual and repair manual

    Done a quick search, and can get the manulas for up to the 04 model year but I need it for the 06 model with the 628cc engine can anyone point me to an online source or is anyone willing to post me a copy on CD or email it many thanks Just bought an 06 with WDS Air suspension, full...
  2. whosahberg

    manual cam chain tensioner

    are they available for husabergs ? the acct is constantly putting pressure on the cam chain , a simple back fire can cause the tensioner to extend . the MCCT could be the solution to the stretch factor of the cam chain , as most of us know the rod of the acct can be fully extended in a...
  3. S

    clutch - Manual to Hydraulic

    Has there been a successful instance of changing an older, manual clutch to a hydraulic clutch? Is there any bolt on accesory kit that keeps the old clutch, but incorporates a hyraulic puller mechanism? Am I dreaming?
  4. wotan23

    Repair manual for an 2001 Husaberg?

    Hey All, I have to setup my timing chain, because of this im looking for a repair manual of an 2001 husaberg. I got one repair manual for an 2005 model but the timing sprocket looks not equal so that the maual couldn't be used. Or an description how to setup the timing chain from gear...
  5. V

    1995 FE600EL workshop manual needed

    I just purchased my first Husaburg, and now my leg needs medical attention. A prior owner removed all of the electric start components and lost some of the internal parts. I need a Workshop manual for a 1995 600 enduro to identify the missing parts and reinstall the starter. Where can I find...
  6. Lplates

    parts manual

    is the parts manual still to be put on new site? i carnt get any downloads any body else getting them?
  7. wotan23

    Missing Parts Manual 2001

    Hi, my berg is an 501 build in 2001. I got a problem with my crankshaft. The damaged crankshaft was 160mm but at the repair-set i have bought the crankshaft is 165mm. And this is definitely to long. I know that my dealer has ordered the crankshaft for the year 2003. He told...
  8. davie123dj

    98 fc501 manual help !

    Hey guys,is there a manual out there for the 98 fc 501,got one for the 04 model of the bloke that sold me the bike,not quite the same though !,if there is where would i get one ? cheers, Davie :wink:
  9. Crew-Chief

    Owner's manual, '01 FC501

    I just yesterday bought an 01 FC501. It did not come with any documents. I would like to pick up an owner's manual and/or maybe a service/parts manual. Can someone point me in the right direction? I have about 12,000 questions concerning this bike, but I'm gonna search around on here for a...
  10. doctorcorey

    On-line service manual?

    :idea: Hey, ya'all, sometime check out this It covers the teardown and reassembly of an off-brand engine, but it's interesting reading because of the simple format. I don't recall seeing this type of self-help article for any of the Husabergs, but I think it would...
  11. oli

    2005 FS650E MANUAL, need one!

    does anyone know how to get a hold of a repair manual for the fs650e? i like to fix my bike myself but dont want to go in blind.thanks guys
  12. moto1020

    service manual

    I am looking for a download or (workshop)manual for 1994 600 husaberg any help is appreciated :wink:
  13. bluefc

    Owners manual

    I have been trying to obtain a copy of owners manual for 2000 FE400E, have copy of work shop manual but would like owners manual as well. Can anyone help??
  14. wpbarlow

    1999 Workshop Manual Doenload

    I noticed that pages 31 (Cylinder Head) and 39 (Crankshaft & Gearbox) are missing from the .pdf file. Does anyone have it and can either put it in the Download or email it to me. Thanks, Walter
  15. ANKAN


  16. R

    Workshop manual

    Hi All, Where can I get a manual that shows the proper way of doing things, pretty much the "Hanes" type of thing. I've looked through the downloads but none are a lot of use without prior knowledge or pictures. Any ideas? :? Cheers
  17. fc501nor

    manual decomp FC501 96

    I have a 96 fc501 but the automatic decomp sometimes fail. Is there possible to get a manual decomp for this engine :?: and if you get at manual one is it possible to pull it too hard so the valves get smashed against the piston? 8O
  18. T

    repair manual

    Hi, Guys Can anyone tell me where i can purchase a husaberg fs650 repair manual? Am struggling to find one!!!! :? cheers folks :)
  19. acyr

    Repair Manual for 2004 FS650E?

    Is there repair manuals availlable for the FS650E ? Thanks Andre
  20. PowerCell

    Service Manual Now Available

    For those who prefer to do their own repair, H'berg has generously made the factory service and repair manual available as a free download on the Official H'berg Website. ~ Ken