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  1. pollo

    How long is your blocked e-mail list?

    I have 33 now. It has been more, but I have taken some off when I felt safe again. The garbage will always keep coming it seems. Some of the people have more than 1 block. They try to get smart on me by changing the address slightly. Just to get blocked again. Dummies :roll: I've even blocked...
  2. B

    Anyone in the UK have a long memory ?

    Hi all, I have it in the back of my mind that Colin Hill Racing in Surrey had something to do with importing back in the pre Clark days, can any one fill in the details ? Cheers Barry
  3. H

    footpeg´s - modified for long legs?

    Hello, has anybody mounted lower footpegs? I have a high of 195 cm. Bring this a appreciable advantage? I think to cut off the footpegs from the holder and welding it about 15 mm lower on the holder. What do you think about this? Is the steel practical for welding and which welding...
  4. P

    Long time lurker, Inquiry about a Husaberg FE600E...

    ...I have been offered a 2000 FE600E. It has been ridden by a 60 yo male. I am strongly considering this bike. Here is my background. I have had KTMs since 1985 to include LC4E, 950 Adventure. I have just sold a R1100S and currently own a 2006 TE610. I do most of all my own maintenance. I...
  5. D

    02 470 long muffler question

    what's in this thing..... and is it easy to remove some restriction? i don't want to do exploreatory surgery for nothing (i assume it's restrictive cause it sounds that way)
  6. Motodude

    Long Distance FE550e Dual Sport

    Although Husabergs are best known for their relatively short term rides as dirt bikes & supermotos, I converted my '05 FE550e into a street legal dual sport and am having very good results. After a 200 mile ride yesterday I used only 3.1 gallons of gas for an average of 65 mpg. I cruise at 70...
  7. H

    All Berg owners that race Flat / Long / Dirt Track

    Hi all Just wanted to know any berg owners that race Dirt track. Post back & Share your experiences I just done round 2 at woodstock speedway got two 3rd & 4th in heats unlimited & Over 450cc but totally stuffed up finals. I haven't found a smooth rhythm yet. Still trying out different...

    Long Strange Trip

    BMW F 800-BASED FLAT TRACKER ON DISPLAY BY THE AMA March 5-6, 2008 - Daytona Municipal Stadium Another first for BMW at Daytona: The American Motorcycle Association (AMA) will showcase two new, customized BMW F 800 Flat Track bikes built by Dale Lineaweaver, during the Flat Track singles...
  9. H

    long track / Speedway setup

    Hi All I just recently tried out long track racing for the first time & can see myself getting right into it My standard setup (05 FE550e) was OK rear end was bouncing on slides so i adjusted compression and it was a lot better I was thinking of lowering the bike 10mm on rear shock (...
  10. D

    Dirt Rider long haul test of FE650.

    Hi All, Just got the most recent issue of Dirt Rider magazine with the wrap up of the Long Haul test of the FE650. In the end the bike had 210 hours on it, and all other bikes should be green with envy over the final results. The only thing that really needed replacing after all those...
  11. Stoveguy

    Dirt Rider Long Term Test

    I can't believe no one has brought this up yet. Once again a nice write up by Jimmy and staff. Something to the effect of "this thing is trying to out last the hour meter" More importantly please read Jimmy's editorial, he is challenging all of us to get involved now! Our rights and freedoms are...
  12. K

    Long wheelies and oil..???

    Hi, I have a 2004 FS650... 2 of my friends have the same, and we do alot of long wheelies, the 2 other bikes just got motor damage.. some say that we can't do these long wheelies cause the engine won't get oil... Anybody know if this is true. My bike still runs great and I have been doing a lot...
  13. F

    How long before rebuild?

    I just saw an add for a 2005 650 that has 2000km, and it's already got 20hrs on a rebuild! :shock: Is this normal? I was just talking to my wife about a new bike when I saw this, and the conversation stopped. I can do 2000km inside of 4 months, so I really don't like the sound of rebuilding...
  14. J

    Dirt Rider Long Haul FE650

    Guys, We've finally put over 200 hours on our FE650 and the only problem I'm having with the bike is the weeping coolant out of the bleed hole. I've replaced the seal a number of times and it gets better and worse for no real reason, even on the same seal. The shaft (the crank) is a little...
  15. B

    Dirt Rider Mag. Long Term 650 Report

    Just got the new Dirt Rider in the mail and they had a update on thier FE 650. It was real positive report stating that with 90hrs. on the bike it was running better than ever.
  16. S

    Long Term 05 FS650E Motor Update

    So far so good. With proper maintenance it seems like the 04 and newer motors are very reliable. :) I hope I didn't just jinx myself. DATE ODOMETER HOURS OIL OTHER NOTES 08-Jun-2005 65 2 Golden Spectro Oil Filter 21-Jun-2005 325 11 Delo400 Valves Adjusted - Were Tight 22-Jul-2005 634...
  17. H

    Picture from final round Long Beach Supermoto

    Going through my camera I found this photo I thought I should share of 3 Husabergs clearing the double, enjoy! Hakan
  18. Husa_470

    Timing chain to long?

    Why is the chain going in to the block, the chain is only 35 hours old
  19. rufone

    Long term test up date

    When I bought my bike, a 2000 FE400E, used 2 years ago I read about all of the electrical issues that everyone seemed to have with their bikes. So I decided to try a couple of things myself to see if I could improve on the issues that bothered me. First off the original owner said that the...
  20. ned37

    Why did i wait so long?

    :D happy to report new rekluse installed yesterday. Yippee! Due to my excellent mechanical skills, worked perfect first try. brakeslides.. no problem. geez, this is fun, but still reaching for non-existent clutch lever. :oops: ned