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  1. acyr

    04 FS650E Jet Kit from Lineaweaver works great

    Dale thanks for the kit, the engine runs great on idle now, no more popping on deceleration, and no hesitation while on the gas.This is the way the bike should have been from the factory. I did not have any issues while installing the kit, just followed instructions. Andre
  2. PowerCell

    Congratulations to Dale Lineaweaver!!!

    In a recent e-mail with Dale, he informed me that the AMA has appointed him a seat on the AMA Pro Racing "Flat Track" Board Of Directors! Congratulations Dale!!! :wav:
  3. L

    Donde esta Dale Lineaweaver?

    I know he's not dead cuz I see his AIM nickname pop up once in a while, but I was wondering why Dale is not showing up these days? Is he still upset because of the Takis incident? Or he's just not into Husabergs, now? Or we stink? All of the above?
  4. K

    How to install Lineaweaver's jet kit.

    I thought I'd post some pix for those of us who are a bit scared to do such things. I hope these help. Lineaweaver Kit Instructions: Remove: Air boot / carburetor inlet bell, float bowl and slide lid Main fuel jet Needle Pilot fuel jet (long skinny jet near the main jet) Pilot air...
  5. madero

    Thanks to Lineaweaver stuff

    Hi all, Like I said before i opended my 45 hours berg 650 2004,The only mods were a slightly cleaned up cilinderhead with in it special exh valves 31,5 from Lineaw and special X2 cam. I had a view arguments with Dale regarding the air-fuel set up,From my point of view dale suggested me I...
  6. L

    Dale Lineaweaver knows his stuff

    After all the issues I had with my 2001 FE501e, mainly starting and also stalling issues, I decided to send my Dellorto carb to Dale. Starting has become a lot easier now, although it still requires the proper technique, I now do it with the confidence that it will start up in about 5 kicks...

    Lineaweaver Report

    Friends, The following is representative of where I have been these past few weeks. Where I go from here has yet to be decided. In any event the season is over and I am once again open for "Husaberg" business. Sincerely, Dale ... 234978.jpg...


    Hi all, Heading for Maryland then back to California first of August. Dale Greenville, Ohio: ... 160175.jpg
  9. JoeUSA

    Dellorto Setup for the Lineaweaver LRX2 Cam

    I have been running one of Dale Lineaweavers LRX2 cams in my 2000 501 for 18 months now. I initially tried to use my standard jetting but had an over rich condition below 5000 rpm that I could not resolve my self so I asked Dale for some jetting help. If you have a Lineaweaver LRX2 cam in...
  10. Splat

    Question For Lineaweaver; Re:Jetting

    In the thread about the FCR carbs, you mentioned that you can properly jet carbs on a flow bench without the bike; certains models only of course. I realize that you have a database of conditions and parameters from years of experience. But what need or benefit is the flow bench in the process...