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  1. D

    running ac lights

    hi have got a 2003 fs650 with battery and starter removed.its got a 3 phase reg/rec on it at the the moment which i suspect is faulty.i also have a fc550 which has the reg/rec and single regulator on it but as im not using the lights they arent in use. I believe I can use the regulator to...
  2. F

    Xenon Lights on a Husaberg,How??

    Hey Is it possible to use xenon HID lights kit on a Husaberg fe 650 2002?
  3. gregfreefaller

    NO LIGHTS!!!!

    hi all just bought a new berg, was out riding an mate pointed out my brake light wasnt working! then i realised none of the lights would work! the indicators work fine but thats it! then bike isnt fitted with a standard speedo or any of the indicator/ high low dash lights? im...
  4. B

    09 FE570 Warning ligth lights up.

    Hi poeple ;) Hope some of you can help me a bit with my FE570. After an 22km trip on the road the warning ligth startet to light. The ligth flashes 1 time long, and then 3 times short. Lokked in the manual, where it statet that it was the intake air temp sensor. Cheked the wires to the sensor...
  5. W

    no lights!

    Hi! The bike is still running well after rebuild, but i have no lights and no brakelight. I have rewired the electrical system, and I´m pretty sure that all cables are in their right place. The stator is almost new! Can it be the regulator? I havent messured output between yellows and blue...
  6. M

    2008 Lights

    Hi, I am looking to purchase an 2008 Fe 450 and see they don't come with lights, are they wired to take lights? Will the lights from an 2007 work?
  7. fe600racer

    2008 fe450 lights

    I notice that my fron't light only comes on when the motor is on. The indicator and horns work when the motor is off. Should the light work off the battery when the the motor is not running?
  8. G

    signal lights

    I have an 05 FE450e I would like to put signal lights on it Does anyone know if the wiring harnes is pre-wired for signal lights? Has anyone put signals on their Berg and how or what did you use? I also would like to put a high low headlight on it. Any ideas? Thanks in...
  9. B

    Lights have died - any suggestions?

    Hi Guys Ive got an FE400 E. Was out riding last weekend, lights were working when I set off - but it was a very wet day. I started the bike yesterday and now the lights don't work and I'm not sure what it could be... I'm hoping... that its crappy contacts that need cleaning up perhaps, but...
  10. U

    How do i keep my lights without the battery??

    Hi! I've been bothering several of the clever minds on the site, but seem to need a thorough walkthrough as i'm severely electrically challenged!!!! I got my engine back from a recreational stay at Taffy's yesterday, it's now reassembled but no lights!! While my engines been in safe hands i've...
  11. S

    bright flickering and dim lights

    The lights on my 650/03 flicker quite brightly when the bike it ticking over at about 1650rpm and the change to a constant dim light when i rev the engine. Is the normal? i dont have a battery fitted, would fitting one help? Also i have a Vapor Speedo fitted, this doesn't work if the lights are...
  12. P

    Do your lights die at idle?

    I've been working on a friend's 04 FE650 for the past 3 days. When he bought the bike the button wouldn't start it because it seemed to not spin it fast enough, he could only kick it. I suspected decomp issues, so we tore it down and I adjusted the exhaust valves and cleaned up some cruddy...
  13. M

    Lights for my 650 C???

    Hey anyone have an opinion to share...Should I order the Husaberg harness and lights from their street legal 650E for my bike or should I go with some form of aftermarket set up...thanks...
  14. L

    Lights burning out on 2002 FS650e

    When I increase revs on the engine with lights on, they glow brighter with increasing revs until they burn out. I contacted DCR in UK and they suggested I modify wiring, Stator blue lead connected to earth spade around regulator mounting bolt Stator yellow(1) to yellow connector on rectifier...
  15. M


    Hi all, I am trying to get the headlight working on my recently purchased 02 fe 501. Headlight was not working but found plug at globe not connected. I have reconnected the plug and the headlight works but goes dull as the revs increase. I swapped the two yellow wires from the stator...
  16. 1st00fe600

    2000 fx600e adding "lights" it had none oem,do i

    do i need to add a 4 prong relay in my wiring harness(rats nest ) lol i am no wiring genius ...well im no genius help a brotha out? thanks guys oh and since im adding h/l beam and turn sigs from the same lighting wire does that need to follow a sequence or order of placement along the...
  17. Motodude

    '05 FS650C Lights

    My '05 FS650C came with a wiring harness that has two female sockets under the number plate. One would accept three prongs and the other, two prongs. There is also a female two prong socket under the tank that appears to be for a tail light connection. I want to connect up standard 12vdc head...
  18. McMucker

    lights like candles

    quick question. last time i was out riding. I stopped to get new front bulb for indicator. Whon the way home the indicators were not working and the headlight power was pathetic. even when the bike was on or off. I dont whethger its a case of the battery not charging or somethign else. even...
  19. nsman

    Coyotes,the northern lights,new Husabergs and beer.

    A comment made by one of the fellows at the campfire last evening.Truly it was a great weekend at the BMG wilderness resort in Northern New Brunswick,Canada.We got to ride the new 06 husabergs on a groomed grassed hillside and later in the day tested the bikes on a trail ride.I think everyone...
  20. mobythree

    lights, 97 501 fe, help !!!!

    HELP I have recently bought a 1997 501cc FE i have purchased a new headlight unit and fitted it, new battery etc etc but i seem to have power to allow the electric start to activate but nothing for the lights, brake lights horn or indicators. The main fuse is fine and alll the wiring seems...