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  1. B

    Want my headlights to stay on after bike off

    Hello👋, as you can see I wasn't sure how to tittle this thread. Essentially I used to have a 450FX that I wired a light kit to the controls - put a fuse- then straight to battery (10A). So I (or anyone haha) could turn on the lights whenever, since the light switch was live. I now have a 570 FE...
  2. C

    Why don't my lights work?

    I notice on my 04 Fe 450 it don't have the controls for the high-low beam and signals do I need those controles for the light to work or should it still work without the left side switches ? My light is hooked up it doesn't seem to turn on tho. The previous owner removed just the signals and...
  3. Z

    adding signal lights to a fe450

    Doing a supermoto conversion this winter on a 2007 fe450 usa version. It came with headlight and tail light but I would like to change them all to LEDs and add signals and a horn. I've searched forever and can't find the exact output of wattage on the lighting coil, it is currently torn apart...
  4. P

    what turns on lights after engine starts 70 degree

    issue solved
  5. T

    Berg FE 650, 2006 year, can't find indicator lights

    Hi first of all I am not native english speaker or writer and sorry for potential gramatical or some spelling errors. I am new on forum and new to supermoto class of bikes. I have been riding for my whole life supersport or sportouring bikes but never supermoto. Few days ago I have tried...
  6. B

    New Purchase 2009 FE570 Lights and wiring / MISC ?s

    I am considering buying a 2009 FE570, US model. It currently has no headlight or taillight. I know I can just use KTM parts, headlight and taillight, for the most part. And there is plenty of aftermarket support, Trailtech makes nice lights. But does the 2009 US wiring harness have all the...
  7. F

    FE570S starts but no lights, or anything else

    After doing a bunch of minor upgrades, smog removal and preventative maintenance I started it up. Runs great but no functions with headlight, blinkers, etc. When I removed all the smog stuff I sealed off the connectors along with fixing some broken rear blinkers. All the fuses are fine...
  8. W

    Indicator bulb for speedometer bracket warning lights on 2011 FE570

    Can anyone ID the bulb required for the turn indicator, high beam, fuel reserve, etc warning lights on the speedo bracket?
  9. B

    lights pulsating and battery not charging?

    Since I've had my 03 fe400e off the road for a couple of months for an engine rebuild, I've gained an electrical issue :( The headlight is really dull and it pulses a bit on tickover. I've checked with a multimeter and at idle I'm only getting about 9.5v at the battery. As I slowly increase the...
  10. wrghtlk

    lights !

    2001 400 with a 2003 501 engine, ... now ... are the lights ment to turn on when engine is off or only when the engine is running ? i have brand new battery, ... all wired up as per the corresponding wiring diagram, ... the loom is good as i have completely stripped it and rebuilt again as per...
  11. A

    Lights not working

    Hey guys, Getting the '05 FE 450 ready to go away on the weekend and just found that the lights aren't working. I've tested the globes and they are fine. Both fuses are good. I have continuity all the way from the battery to the lights at either end. The bike starts fine. Tomorrow...
  12. V

    Lights on a C

    I have a 2005 FS550C (Which does not really exist, I know). I'm planning on using this engine in another frame on the road. That means I need lights. Will I need something new for this? A bigger flywheel? Someone once told me that I had to change the flywheel and "dynamo".
  13. T

    1999 fc 501 wired with light switch but no lights?

    I have 99 fc 501 i think its wired for lights but i can't be sure its got a switch for lights hanging down from a like 5/6 spot wire harness that bolted to the frame but the bike it self has no lights if some one.could tell me what. lights would fit it or if its worth tring to plate is it even...
  14. G

    Trail Tech Vapor Dash on FE390 & Stock warning lights wiring

    Hi all, I've got my Vapor running perfectly, and after receiving my billet protector from HDB I'm now on to installing the Trail Tech Dashboard. Has anyone else done this on a 2012 390 or equivalent, and if so, any hints on how you wired it up? Here is the cabling I have figured out so far...
  15. Bergini

    Sem stator differences lights vs no lights

    I was trying to search for this but do not have a lot of time and figured someone could answer me faster then i could find it :lol: the way i gather it all SEM stators are the same from 89-99 and 99-03 or something like this with the exception of the lighting coil...the question i have is...
  16. H

    what those flashing lights on your FE390/450/570 mean

    can't remember if it was this forum or not, but someone posted info about what the flashing lights mean diagnostically on these models. thought it was a handy bit of info and did it up in various font sizes in a PDF link below so you can print it out and put it in your wallet, toolkit, manual...
  17. F

    -03 FE 650: El. start + lights, horn doesn't work

    Hey guys! im Norwegian, and new in here. just bought myself a 2003 Husaberg FE650 and have got some electrical issues. the seller told me the only reason the el-start didn't work was because the battery was flat. (oldest trick in the book) but, changed the battery. and the electrical starter...
  18. B


    Is there an after market light anywhere out there that fits straight into the pre '09 'Bergs headlight shroud? I'm looking for something that gives out a lot more light but I don't want to get anything that changes the look of my standard looking bike! Also I don't really want to upgrade any...
  19. W

    fe 450 09 no lights

    i have no power getting to the lights but the brake light still works ? power is not getting to the plugs behind the headlight and all the fuses in the fuse box seem ok. Is there any other fuses I should be looking at or any other ideas ?
  20. M


    hi there ive still got the same 2003 fs650e still a bloody lovely bike, the lights wont work on tick over they are ok when its revving but as soon as it ticks over they go out, can anyone help cheers mick p.s i bought a stator from westcountry windings the bike starts first time...