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  1. cypher

    Chillean ISDE

    Anyone or anyone we know going? got two lads i know, ed & dylan jones, plus some other locals going. unfortuantly they don't ride bergs.
  2. velosapiens

    lotsa bergs at china hat isde

    and some decent results as well. BOSS was top 10 overall, and there were few other bergs pretty high in A classes. i was 66th o/a, 13th in old fat slow A's (40+). needless to say the bike was flawless. just gotta get a better pilot.
  3. V

    ISDE 2007 - La Serena, Chile

    Is anyone going to ISDE this year?
  4. T

    isde final results

    final results Bjorne 4th E3 and 23rd overall (Bjorne was the E3 winner for day 5 Salonen 6th E3 and 32nd overall Lundggren 8th E2 and 21st overall The race appeared to favor smaller bikes for fast special test times. For example, Petri Pojahmo (TM125en) was 7th in E1, and 15th overall (even...
  5. K

    Stolen ISDE Bike Forces Retirement

    Vaclav Danek is out of the 2006 International Six Days Enduro (ISDE), based at the Taupo Motorsport Park. The ISDE will be held in and around Taupo from November 14 – 19, and features 31 competing nations. The Czech Republic rider had his uninsured Husaberg 450T motorcycle stolen from...
  6. Supermototeam

    ISDE - Day Three, Two, and One.

    Can anyone figure this out ?
  7. F

    Husaberg at the ISDE

    Well fellas, time has almost come to depart for the ISDE in NZ. Most of us NAs are leaving the weekend of the 4/5 of Nov. Dylan Debel will be riding his Husaberg in the E3 class on the "Sugar Momas" club team. Dylan recently won the Minnesota state AA championship, beating Matt Stavish and...
  8. Coffin

    Buy a Shirt & Support Husaberg Riders - New Zealand ISDE

    There are riders from both the USA and Canada that will be running Bergs at the 2006 ISDE in New Zealand. As some of you may already know, it is very expensive to attend these events and the riders pay most, if not all, of the costs themselves. They are selling shirts to raise money for the...
  9. U

    Fritz Kadlec 7th at ISDE

    Congratulations to Fritz Kadlec finishing the Colorado IDE Qualifier on a Husaberg :D Kraig Traum AMA-D36 Enduro Steward/BOD CERA President Kawasaki’s Ricky Dietrich won the AMA ISDE U.S. Qualifier in Walsenburg, Colorado, July 8-9. Dietrich topped both days but...
  10. F

    Debel 5th in E-3 at TN ISDE Qulaifier

    5th at the TN Qualifier More good racing news for Husaberg! Debel REALLY likes that bike! :thumbup:
  11. nsman


    Anyone here planning on competing on a Husaberg at the ISDE this nov. at lake Taupo N.Z.?
  12. Supermototeam

    ISDE 2005

    Updates from Canadian team in Czech Republic (or Slovakia ?): Tech in went very smooth yesterday. Got everybody in within 20 minutes. Word from pre-riders is that it is very muddy in the woods, we had some rain last night will make it even wourse. Also some very thight sections specially the...
  13. F

    ISDE 05, Slovakia

    Sept 5 is my flight to Vienna to attend 80th ISDE. Apparently this location has hosted the event three times before. I'll be riding a 450 in the E2 class. Lets hope that Adam Lees and Shannon Lewry from Aus will be there riding bergs again. Check out the event at
  14. B


    :D COMMING? CHINA HAT 100!!! WHATS YOUR # :twisted:
  15. berger

    ISDE results

    It looks like Husaberg is in 6th place after day 1 for the manufacturers team. Our very own Fryguy is 53rd in his class after day 1. Not a bad start. You can see the daily results here