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  1. S

    hi new guy in uk looking for info on bergs

    hi new to the site,i live in the uk & i'am serouisly thinking about getting a road legal (enduro) berg, to do a bit of on/off road use as i love the look of them was thinking of a 400/450(with electric start)?heard lots of mixed reports,ie don't bother repairs & parts a problem,reliability...
  2. D

    Another new Guy on board

    Well I am a proud owner of a 01 FX650E. I took her out for my first ride on Saturday. We road about 30 miles in the tight trails of Northern Michigan. All I have to say is wow what a handfull. More power than I could have desired. She requires a lot of thottle controll. I did have a few...
  3. S

    New Guy

    Just want to say Hi! I just purchased a 04 Fe 650 and I am excited to be apart of this group. I had to have one after I rode a friends. I could not believe how fast these bikes are! Does anyone have any ideas on where I can buy a new set of plastics in the states? Should I go OEM or is...
  4. P

    New guy needs help with a noisy motor

    Hello people, this is my first post on UHE Can anyone help diagnose my noisy engine? its an 04 450 thats done 140 hours. This is my first Husaberg and ive owned it for less than a week :? Its started making a ticking noise yesterday coming from the top end Check this vid out, you can just...
  5. F

    Hi, new guy here and just bought my first Berg 650.

    Hi everyone. I just bought my first ever SM/berg. Its a fs650e 05 She has a new acrapovic ti system,but thats all. I always had sportbikes and have raced for 15 years, but this is quite a new venture for me. But while its a pleasant one for some reasons, im finding out quite quickly that its...
  6. S

    Another guy looking for a 650...

    Hello all, I'm interested in getting a FS650. I would like an 06 or 07 but can't seem to find one. I have found a few 05s but not sure if I want an 05, would prefer a low hour machine... Anybody got a nice 06 or 07 on the floor? Thanks, Mike
  7. K

    Shane Watts and Guy Perret video
  8. nsman

    Roland is a very nice guy.

    I had the opportunity to attend the ISDE last week in Lake Taupo, N.Z.and would like to share an act of kindness that I witnessed by Husaberg R @ D guru Roland Ohrn.As you may or may not have heard Czech Motoklub member Vaclav Danek had his Husaberg stolen two days before the event start.KTM NZ...
  9. nsman

    I want to meet this guy!

    Just wondering who is the guy at the Husaberg factory that welds the feet on the side stands.Since no two ever seem to be the same and even fewer are straight I recon this guy is drunk or has a neck injury! :D
  10. autorotate

    '98 FC600-Help the new guy

    Looking to purchase a 1998 FC600. First purchase of a Husaberg. Can you guys point me in the right direction a far as looking over a used Husaberg bike? I've searched the site already, but would appreciate any specific "trouble areas" the FC600 may have to look for? Better yet, what...
  11. jdalton1

    New Guy Here, Should I Buy the 450 or 550?

    I'm in the market for a new dual sport bike to replace my 02' KTM 520exc. Most of my riding will be in the NC National Forests and OHV parks usually riding A and B level trails at a C/B rider spead. I like the low end grunt of the 520 but it didn't rev as quick or long as I would have...
  12. CheGuevara

    The New Guy

    Hi Folks, Just thought I'd post up a quick hello/intro. I just ordered a Husaberg (leftover '05 FS650E) and it should be here in about a week. Needless to say I'm really eager to take it for a ride... right past Grok's place just to rub in the fact that he's not as unique in these parts as he...
  13. devient

    Another new guy

    Hey everyone. Just wanted to say hello to everyone and hopefully get to know a few of you. And also to say thanks. I've been reading all your post for a month or so and recently went out and acquired a 2004 fe450. I can't get enough of it. I've got the bug...... I went out riding last week...
  14. tuts

    to that json guy

    i would like to make an annoynomous comment. the guy that runs this site should be nicer to the members. he did get a bike for nothing. its the least he can do. signed; an annoynomous reader :devil:
  15. N

    UK guy wants my bike..

    Hello.. My bike is for sale, and yesterday i received an e mail from a guy in England wanted to know more about the bike and if i could give him a price in euro.. He tought the price was fear and wanted to pay a 1000 euro in deposit and a agent would come and get the bike and cash out the rest...