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  1. volvonut

    ACERBIS rally pro hand guards (wrong screws in package)

    If purchasing a set of Acerbis rally pros, open the package at the store and check the screws that hold the secondary clamps to the inside of the bars (4 of them) I didn't, and will now have to drive back an hour for the correct ones since mine were packaged wrong. (one size too small) Might...
  2. husabutt

    B.O,S.S Radiator Guards

    I just recieved my "Bozarth's Offroad Service Specialties" (BOSS) radiator guards today and must say they are sweet. The Husaberg and Boss logo's cut into the guards are quite impressive as are the rest of the parts. The blue anodizing really sets them apart. They almost look too nice to...
  3. brookester

    Stainless Steel Exhaust Guards

    Hi All Anyone have any problems with their exhaust rubbing on boots or overboot clothing? I`ve suffered with this problem on my 04`s and my 05`s. Gruntunberg (Steve) has fabricated a stainless steel exhaust guard to solve this problem. This guard is a quality piece of kit and looks great on the...
  4. tbmorga

    Radiator guards for 2003 FE 400e

    Does any one know of a supplier for Radiator Guards which will fit a 2003 Husaberg fe400e? Thanks [email protected]
  5. brookester

    Hand Guards

    I`m after some wrap around type hand guards for my Husaberg, anyone got any suggestions, i`ve heard Cycra are not too bad. brookester
  6. N

    Where to buy frame guards?

    Where can I get a set of frame guards for my '99FE400? I did a quick search on the net and really didn't find any in the U.S., but found a few in Europe. I was hoping to find some a little closer. Thanks for any help. Jay
  7. F

    Skid Plate and Rad guards?

    Hey guys, I haven't been here since I got my new berg 03 400fe. I am stoked on the handling, power etc and all my buddies who have ridden on it love it. The one problem I am having is finding a skid plate and rad guards similar to Devol. Do I need to make the KTM Devol rad guards fit, or does...