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  1. K

    Custom rear fender brackets, 2010 fe450

    I've noticed that my rear fender had snapped, so I made up some brackets made from some aluminum laying around my garage. The rear fender is now much stiffer and stronger. I have also been converting my bike to be road legal, to fit Ontario standard. Have a look at the progress.
  2. A

    Removing front fender on FS570??

    How do i get the front fender brace bolt off that bolts it to the front fender? it just wants to spin when i try to unbolt it..
  3. B

    Rear fender won't fit any more !

    Hi all , I have had my 09 570 since new , been faultless with now 110 hours . They are the best dirt bike every made without doubt . Anyway enough patting myself on the back . I am having my first real issue in that I have bought a new genuine rear fender to replace my tatty original . I don't...
  4. S

    2011 FS570 Short (OEM) LED Sub Fender?

    I'm having the hardest time finding these online, broke mine and need a replacement. Can someone give me a link? I've seen http://www.husaberg.org/forum/viewtopic ... 30&t=13646 but that's an old thread so I'm not sure if those are still available. Thanks!
  5. J

    front fender

    need a front fender to fit my fe 450 on a 54 plate , thing is we have the smaller super moto wheels on this now, an need a hugger that will sit close to the tyre with fork guards ,,,,,or leg shield 's as you call them ,
  6. J

    front fender

    hi all , i have a fe 450 for 4 months now . we have put the supermoto wheels on an am now looking to change the front mudguard to suit the smaller wheel,as when it rains i'm getting a facefull of water, any ideas on which mudguard i want to look at that will bolt straight on ,fe 450 on a 54...
  7. Bergini

    Acerbis rear mudflap / inner fender exension

    Any body tried one of these??? maybe an aftermarket replacment all along??? Product Dimensions: 12.1 x 7.2 x 1.3 inches ; 12 ounces found from another site http://www.rockymountainatvmc.com/p/43/ ... x-Mud-Flap http://www.acerbis.com/accessories.php? ... ategoria=1
  8. R

    Blue rear fender

    The white rear fender on my 2010 FE 570 is pretty shabby and I want to replace it with a blue one. I`ve searched the net but can`t find one anywhere. I thought the stock 2012 was blue but when I do a phish search on any parts suppliers sites it comes up as black. Can`t find one on the Acerbis or...
  9. K

    Husaberg Black FS Front Fender?

    Hi guys! Anyone knows the part number of a black FS front fender? It´s for a FE 570 2012. Or maybe part numbers for the FS Black Edition plastics? The black front fender and the fuel tank spoilers would fit really nice on my icetrack racing bike :) Best regards Kristian from sweden
  10. T

    Rear Fender

    All, I have a 2010 FE450 and it seems when we get back from a muddy ride I am the only one who can barely get into my backpack since it is caked with mud. My brother and the rest of are on a Honda, Suzuki and a Yamaha and they come back much cleaner and dryer than I. Now I dont want this to...
  11. B

    Flippy Flappy rear fender 2011 FE 570 S?

    The rear fender on my 570 is constantly flapping up and down. This is bad enough that all of my riding buddies have stated it looks about ready to fall off. It isn't, it is tight and simply bendy right behind the seat? Last weekend, the taillight lens broke loose and disappeared leaving the...
  12. N

    FS570 Front Fender mod/addition

    Hello all - recently picked up an '11 FS570 and was doing a bit of lurking while researching the new ride. I gotta say that I'm really liking the way that husaberg/ktm have put this thing together, then again I'm not really all that surprised after having a 300exc and a superduke - I just love...
  13. R

    Front fender brace?

    Hey guys, I can't find the black piece that supports the front fender on my 08 fe450. Does anyone have any tips to a good site? My fender is just flopping around with out it. Thanks!
  14. C

    Trailtech X2 headlight fitting - fender brace??

    Guys, took the "HID is the way" to go advice and got a Trailtech X2. Coupla questions for those int he know:- My stock 09 570 ha what looks like a combination fender brace and mounts for the indicators (weren't fitted when i picked her up new). It does not look like the headlight shroud will...
  15. C


    I´d broke the rear fender and I was wondering how may look the bike with a black rear fender and the yellow sticker on it? Anyone with photos?
  16. Z

    Front Fender Clearance

    Hey guys, My front fender rubs my frame and has some scratches on the fender and has rubbed some paint off of my frame. Is this typical? Any good fixes for it?
  17. B

    '09 front fender

    I had read on this site that the front fender on the '09's were easily broken, and I discovered this personally this last weekend. The bike fell over while parked and the front fender folded under as it hit a rock. When I picked it up, I saw a six inch crack in the fender starting at the...
  18. F

    Rear Fender Rack

    Does anyone know of a rear fender rack that might be available for 2008 or below FE's. Something along these lines!! Ed...
  19. P

    What would cause inside front fender too rub frame?

    Hello All, I am no mechanic but I am trying too learn!! A few months back I noticed my front steering stiffen up periodically. I attributed it to my setup( 17" Michelin pilot rear and 17" trials tire front) I know this seems like a strange setup but it worked perfect for my...
  20. E

    97-98 Rear Fender

    Hi,I am Looking for a NOS 1997-1998 Rear Fender (Flouro Yellow) to finnish off one of my Smets replica FC600's , if anyone here (especially andy Berg Dealers) can help?